Friday 28 February 2014

V is for Visiting the Allotment

Yesterday, I finally got myself to the allotment to do some work on my plot.  I had visited it a couple of weeks ago to check out what state it was in, but  I didn't actually set foot on it.

Anyway, Thursday afternoon was a lovely bright sunny afternoon, perfect for the allotment and a welcome break in the rainy weather.  The ground was still pretty wet, so it probably wasn't the best time to go, but I just wanted to get started and get some seeds and onion sets into the ground.

As I walked up to the site, I noticed a great big pile of lovely rich compost that had recently been delivered by the council.

I made a mental note to put some on my plot, but unfortunately didn't get the time on this occasion.  I might have to return this weekend, before it all disappears.  As I  approached the gate to the site, there was a fox on the path.  He saw me and ran off down the path , but as I got to my plot I managed to get a quick (but not very good) photo of him, before he disappeared out of the site.

The plot looked like this when I arrived. 

Not too bad.  A few dead plants left over from the end of the last growing season and a few weeds, but nothing too serious.  I started with a bit of weeding and then decided to dig over the whole (or virtually all) of the plot.  The soil was a bit wet so stuck to the fork a lot, but I managed to work my way around the plot.  The only bits I didn't get to were the strawberry patch and the herb patch, which I'll have to do another day.  It looked a lot better for it though.  I was pleased with my hard work and it feels so good to get it done.

A couple of hours digging, tidying the plot and securing the raised bed sides which were all flattened by the weather, then I sowed some onion sets, broad bean seeds and some early salad seeds before coming home.  Here's a couple of pictures of what it looked like afterwards.


A definite improvement and I managed to come home with a few turnips too, which will help to make a nice stew or casserole next week.

I'm looking forward to the new growing season.

Joining in with Mum from Mum's Simply Living blog posting in the Alphabet Backwards challenge.


  1. A good job done. I started to turn the soil in my veggie beds but was so water clogged I gave up !
    How great to get the compost. I didn't know councils did that !

  2. I think I overdid the digging as I'm completely stiff all over today and can hardly walk.

    We get regular deliveries to the site of compost and wood chips for the paths so it is pretty useful really.

  3. You've broken its back so now it's enjoyment all the way with sowing, planting and watching grow. Well done.
    Love from Mum

    1. I think you're right. I just need to remember to sow some seeds at home to plant out later in the season.

  4. After the wet winter most of the UK appears to have had I think there's going to be a lot of clearing and digging going on now. I'm looking forward to seeing what crops you manage to harvest as the year goes by.
    Lucky you to get free stuff from the council - people who have community gardens herd have to pay for those treats.
    After all that hard work soda crystals in the bath are good for aching muscles and so much cheaper than commercial products

    1. Yes, we're very lucky to get the compost and chips from the council. I think the compost comes from the borough's food waste and is shared amongst the allotments and the parks department. I believe it is free to the site. The plotholders don't pay anything towards it as far as I know. Thanks for the soda crystals tip. I'll have to try some next time.
