Monday 27 April 2020

Greening Up

After what seems like a long time, our small city garden is gradually greening up. All the bushes and trees now seem to be bursting into leaf.  It's a joy to behold.

The foxgloves and forget-me-nots that I moved out of one of our raised vegetable beds  a few weeks ago and planted into one of the side borders to make a woodland corner are doing me justice. The foxgloves are just about to start flowering.  I think and hope that they are white foxgloves, but I'm not quite certain just yet.

The forget-me-nots were well worth keeping and are providing some much needed flowers and a little bit of colour in various places.  We don't actually have many flowering shrubs in our garden currently, so the few that we do get, I appreciate.

I just love it when our garden gets wild and bushy, as it's more of a private little oasis.

There's a  couple of purple alluims poking through the geraniums in this border, getting ready to burst forth.

Even my Mulberry tree is looking a lot happier in it's new big pot.  They can take 7 years to fruit, so I'm not holding my breath.

And finally the lavender and sage which was looking so pathetic a few weeks ago, that I was contemplating removing them, have perked up considerably and I'm pleased that I didn't.

Oh, what I wouldn't give for a no expense spared trip to a garden centre right now or even just a car boot sale with plant stalls!


  1. I have never been able to grow forget-me-not's in this garden, which is a shame as I love them dearly. My plants seam a bit behind this year, which is surprising after all the warm sunny weather. I have loads of fruits I have grown, lovely plants but never any fruit, it does take years for many of them to fruit.

  2. What lovely fresh green. Our grass is finally coming, the Columbines are starting to peak through as well as the rhubarb. I have a long way to go before I see as much green as you.

    God bless.

  3. You are so much further ahead of us down there. My forget-me-nots are flowering - they self seed everywhere but the foxgloves are only just beginning to get to any height and will not flower until June usually.
