Friday, 15 December 2017

Thank Goodness it's Friday Night

It's Friday night and I just got home from work.  I'm finished for the week now, thank goodness. I do love that Friday night feeling, knowing that I don't need to go back to work until Monday. I don't always get it in this job, but when I do, it's great.

It was a crazy day in the shop, busy, busy, busy.  The footfall in the shop is pretty amazing really, so there's very little time to get bored.

I managed to spend most of the day off the till, which made a big change for me lately, so I was able to actually get stuck in to some work in the stockroom for once. There were still a good few interruptions though.

The staffing situation just keeps lurching from what we think is a bad situation, to one that's even worse. If we manage to keep the shop open all of next week it will be quite an achievement with the very few staff left to man it. Both the Manager and myself are just hanging in there as long as it takes to get to Christmas day.

Tonight, I'm dog tired and just very glad to be able to stay at home for a couple of days.  I'm definitely sleeping in tomorrow morning. I'm not going anywhere.

As previously mentioned, I've been invited to the Christmas meal for my old shop next Tuesday.  The Manager rang me today and I just need to confirm with him tomorrow that I'll be going. Having another evening out in what will be another crazy week, is a bit mad really, but you've got to enjoy yourself too. All work is very dull.

Until Monday, I'm going to put work to the back of my mind and just relax and enjoy my free time. I hope you guys have got a relaxing weekend planned.


  1. Enjoy your weekend off.

    God bless.

  2. Hope you have a fabulous weekend off.
    Mine hasn't started very well....the dog woke me up at half four this morning hence the comment just after five am. He is now snoring on the sofa and I am wide awake....urrrrgh!!!

  3. Have a good rest and recharge. We are off to see the new Star Wars film !
