Tuesday 2 October 2018

Earn/Save An Extra £2018 in 2018 - September

The results from this challenge have been continuously dwindling for several months now, and as you can see from this month's figures, they are really hardly worth posting about.  As I can't actually see the results improving at all for the remainder of the year, this will be my last post on this challenge.  I'm happy enough that I attempted it and that I've saved the money I have.  I think a I was  perhaps a little optimistic to hope I might save the full £2018 in 2018, but it was much more difficult than I thought in practice.  Thank you for your support and comments on my efforts on this challenge. They were much appreciated.

Extra earnings and savings this month were as follows:

1) I earned £16.30 on eBay sales this month, once fees and postage had been taken out.

Total earned on eBay sales - £16.30.

2) Money found in the street whilst walking the dog - £0.40. (Every little bit helps)

Found money - £0.40

3) I used £2.50 worth of Nectar points in part payment for some groceries this month.

Money saved using accrued Nectar points - £2.50.

Total extra earnings/savings this month were £19.20, which when added to last month's total of £830.64, means my current total earnings/savings so far this year on this challenge are £849.84.


  1. I think your total to date is still something worth having and good for you for trying the challenge. You would have to do some serious work and switching companies to make that kind of savings on your bills for the year!

  2. Every little does help! I think you are still trying at this challenge and that is the main thing!

  3. Be proud of your total. I think you did/have done marvellously.

    God bless.
