Monday 21 October 2024

Home, Back to Work and a Sad End to the Week - W/E 19th October 2024

Apologies for not posting in the past two weeks, but with our holiday and then a busy week at work when I got back, I just didn't find the time to blog. However, I've now got a few days off from work, so I thought I'd catch you up with what I've been up to this week.

We got back to London after our holiday late Saturday night and on Sunday I was back at work for 12 noon. It felt strange going back after being away for a week, but it was busy and the shift passed quickly and I was back home for 6.30pm.

There'd been some drama locally whilst we'd been away, which I had read about on our street Whats App chat. Some ladies had been pushed over in our street and their car stolen in front of them, which was horrible and is not a common occurrence, so was very shocking to hear of.

On Sunday night, OH made us supper and we chilled in front of the TV. We're currently watching a new season of Industry and The Hardakers, a new series on ITV set in Yorkshire.

On Monday, I was up early and off to do our weekly shop out of town as usual. I then came home and got ready and went to work. It wasn't so busy tonight and we got to leave a little earlier. There was more drama in our street whilst I was at work, with police and ambulances attending a property across the road from our house. We don't know what was going on there, but by the time I got home they'd all left.

On Tuesday, I was back at the gym at my usual class. I was keen to get back to exercising, as I'd put on a couple of lbs on holiday, due to eating what I liked and not worrying about it. The class was a bit different from normal but okay. I then had to get ready and go to work later. 

On Wednesday, I was up and at work again for 10 am this time. I very rarely work mornings, so it made a change for me. It was very busy though. I had arranged to meet a couple of friends later in the afternoon, so I came home, got changed and headed out again to our favourite local restaurant. We hadn't met since June, so it was nice to catch up with one another's news and have a nice meal. I was home by 8pm and spent a couple of hours watching TV with OH.

Thursday, I booked into the gym and headed off there in the morning. They had  new Stairmaster machines in the gym, which I tried out. I quite enjoyed using it and you seem to burn calories quickly on it, which is all good, so I'm incorporating it into my usual routine from now on.

Once again, I was at work for 2pm until 10pm, but doing a different job to my usual one. It wasn't the best shift I've worked. Anyway, on Wednesday morning, a little bird had flown into the store, a robin I think, and had been flying around for two days. Managers and pest control had tried to get it out, but it seemed to evade all efforts to free it. We were still trying as I left. I do hope it got out eventually.

I wasn't working for the rest of the week, which felt great. On Friday, we were looking after a neighbour's dog again for the day, so I went out with OH to take him for a walk in the morning. We dropped in at the allotment where my dahlias seem to be still doing well, so I did a bit of dead heading. We had a nice walk and then stopped off at a local cafe for a drink on the way home.  Once home, I didn't want to go anywhere. I was quite happy pottering around, sorting and hanging laundry, having an afternoon nap and then watching Netflix after a busy few days at work.

I got a nice surprise on Saturday when I checked my work schedule. What I thought was a busy week coming up had been halved and I was working just three shifts instead of six. This meant that I now have a good few days before I need to go back in and I am glad of it.  There are lots of things I want to do at home, such as a bit of work in the garden, cleaning, changing over my wardrobe, etc. Lots of new people have started at work in the last couple of weeks, most of them taken on for the busy Xmas period, so thankfully the shifts have been shared out amongst more people, which I'm perfectly happy for.

Anyway, OH and I ventured to the gym on Saturday morning, to the free gym session. I had a good workout and then made my way home. I had a lazy afternoon at home, doing some banking to pay some bills, finally catching up with blogging pals after two weeks of being absent from blogger and just generally taking it easy. It gave me a much needed break from all the recent busyness. 

I decided to remove the sofa cover that I'd started to make from the shed, partly because it needs sewing together by machine and partly that now the weather is getting colder, it's getting a little damp in the shed and I don't want it to go mouldy before I've even finished it. Having it inside the house will hopefully motivate me to do some work on it.

On Saturday night, OH and I sat and watched some television. It was nice not to be at work for a few days. However, late on Saturday, OH got a phone call which wasn't good news and although it wasn't completely unexpected, we weren't really expecting it. OH's father had passed away, peacefully thankfully, after being unwell for a very long time, so it was a sad end to the week.

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