Saturday 19 October 2024

A Week Away - W/E 12th October 2024

On Sunday this week, it felt so good not to have to go to work. I had booked the week off and we were travelling to Portsmouth to catch a ferry to Bilbao in Northern Spain. The ferry was due to leave at 9.45 pm, so we didn't need to set off until much later in the day. As a consequence, I spent the day packing, pottering and generally getting ready for our holiday. I also had a nice leisurely breakfast and lunch, trying to use up items in our fridge before we left.  It was indicative of how busy the past few weeks have been, that I was actually looking forward to being on the ferry for 36 hours with little to do but relax and chill.

We eventually made it to the ferry with half an hour to spare. It was exciting boarding the ferry, as we hadn't travelled on one for many years. Our cabin was okay. It didn't have a window or tea/coffee making facilities unfortunately, but it was perfectly adequate. I had packed way too much stuff though and not organised it into what I needed on the ferry and then for the rest of the holiday, so we had to take it all upstairs into our cabin.

Once we'd settled in, we headed down to the bar for a drink as the ferry left the harbour. It was super busy in the bar with very few seats or tables left. Obviously, everyone had had the same idea. Luckily, a table became free, just as we got our drinks, so we sat for an hour before heading back to our cabin and beds.

The first night I didn't sleep too well. There was a bit of noise from the bunk beds, but OH got up in the night and tightened something up, which stopped it. When we woke in the morning, it was a bit rough and we felt a little nauseous. We wandered up to the outside deck thinking fresh air would help, but it was very windy up there so we came back in. I joined in with a 'Morning Stretch', which was organised by the entertainment team, but we had to do it sitting down to stop us falling over. 

There were very few people around and out of their cabins because of how rough the crossing had become. We returned to our cabin for most of the rest of the day, as it was the easiest place to be and we didn't feel sick when lying down. We had a TV, so consoled ourselves watching old black and white movies on it and I did some work on my hexi quilt which was a life saver.

Later, we ventured to the cafeteria for supper. I just had a bowl of soup and a yoghurt in case the crossing got even rougher overnight.

On Tuesday morning, we docked in Bilbao for the first proper day of our holiday. We immediately made our way to the city centre where we stopped for breakfast in a small bar. We couldn't believe it when we got 2 hot drinks and two large slices of tortilla for 7 euros. Such a bargain.

We then headed to the Guggenheim  where we spent a lovely few hours looking at all the beautiful artwork. OH had wanted to visit this gallery for a long time, so he was very happy to finally get there. I enjoyed an exhibition by a Japanese artist which was showing. He turned out to be a favourite of LB's. It was a pity she wasn't there with us. We may have bought her something from the gift shop to compensate her.

I also particularly enjoyed the top floor, which had amongst other things an exhibition of pop art including work by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichenstein and Jeff Koons. I particularly liked his 'Tulips' and 'Puppy' which was a large floral covered sculpture of a dog outside of the museum. Unfortunately, it was covered with scaffolding at the time of our visit, but it was still good to see it.

After our visit, we stopped into a cafe for lunch and then drove on out of Bilbao to Saint Sebastian on the northern coast of Spain near to the border with France. We stopped here for a long walk along the beautiful beach and promenade and admired the mandalas carved into the sand.

After an hour or so we headed off to drive over the border into France to stay at our accommodation in Biarritz. We'd never been to Biarritz before, but could remember it always being used in French lessons at school as a place to go on holiday. We booked into our accommodation there which was very nice. It had a lovely pool with water jets, a gym, sauna and boules court. I tried out the pool and sauna which was very relaxing after a busy day travelling and sight seeing.

On Wednesday morning, I woke up and got into the shower. I was all soaped up and with shampoo in my hair when the water stopped. Turns out there was maintenance going on and it was going to be off for an hour or two. I was not impressed that we hadn't been warned. Anyway, luckily, enough water had gathered in the bath for me to rinse all the soap and shampoo off myself with a glass and get on with the rest of my day.

We headed into Biarritz town, which was a 15-20 minute walk from our apartment. It was forecast rain in the afternoon, so we wanted to make the most of it before the rain hit. We had a walk around town and ended up at the beach where there were a couple of dozen surfers out catching waves. We enjoyed just sitting and watching them for an hour and then retired to a very nice restaurant for lunch. Fortunately, this was when the rain hit, so we missed getting wet.

The beach at Biarritz

Later in the afternoon, we decided to drive out to a local Emmaus centre. I'd heard people on YouTube talk of these on their videos, but I'd never visited one when I'd been in France. It was interesting. They had tables and shelves of crockery and glassware, furniture, clothing, crafting supplies, pictures, etc. etc. I bought a few items of clothing and some MacDonald's Coke glasses for LB as she likes them.  They were 50 cents each. It was interesting to thrift in France for the first time and to work out how you paid for your items. It was not quite like going to a regular  charity shop. You had to first get a ticket from each section of the store and then take all of the tickets to the cashier to pay. 

The skies really opened whilst we were there, but luckily I was inside and OH was in the car. We then returned to our apartment and enjoyed the facilities i.e. the swimming pool, gym and sauna before chilling for our last evening there.

Thursday was a big travelling day for us. We needed to drive from Biarritz and get as far north as we could in one day. It was my birthday the following day and we didn't really want to spend it driving on the motorway. The day went okay really and we made quite good progress. We stopped off at a few services along the way and booked some accommodation in Rennes for the night. We reached it by about 6pm. Rennes is a historic city that is the capital of Brittany and has many historic buildings. We stayed on the outskirts in a hotel and didn't venture into the city that night as OH was tired after driving all day. Instead, we went to a lovely nearby restaurant for supper and had very nice burgers. It was very full and obviously a popular place to eat, but they managed to squeeze us in without a reservation which was very kind of them.

The next day, my birthday, we headed into Rennes for a couple of hours. We mostly explored the area around the university which has some very historic buildings. It had a lovely feel to it. I think LB would have liked it there. We sat in a cafe alongside all the students and enjoyed a drink and people watching before carrying on with our journey.  We were heading to Dinan, which is another lovely small historic town in Brittany which is about 30 minutes from Saint Malo, where we were catching the ferry home the following day. We were staying in a hotel alongside the river. It was very picturesque. Here's a few photos:


Before heading to the hotel, we stopped off in a small square so OH could grab a bagette for lunch and had a little walk around. We then paid a visit to another Emmaus on the outskirts of town. I didn't buy much here, but there was lots of lovely glassware and crockery. I did buy some french ceramic yoghurt pots which I needed, as I regularly use these to make small jellies and desserts in and I'd been keeping an eye out in the supermarkets for them, but couldn't find any.

Our hotel was lovely and we retired to our room for a couple of hours to rest before heading down to the bar for a drink and then walking into town. Dinan was a beautiful little town with lots of lovely shops. Unfortunately, most were closed by the time we walked into town. We found a little restaurant and had a lovely meal of chicken and potatoes, the chicken we cooked ourselves on a hot stone which was interesting.
We had a lovely evening and then walked back down the famous old street pictured above to get to our hotel. Here's a picture of the nearby viaduct lit up at night, it looked beautiful:

We had another drink in the bar at the hotel and then headed to bed, as we were up early the next day to return to the UK by ferry from Saint Malo.

On Saturday morning, we got up early and went down to breakfast. I cooked my own egg in a little cast iron pan and we had lots of lovely food to choose from. We then packed up the car and headed off. We just had time for one last stop before catching the ferry and that was to visit the seaside resort of Dinard which was very popular in the early part of the 20th century. We didn't stay long, just passed through really on our way to the ferry, but it was interesting to see another seaside resort on our travels.

Saint Malo (taken from the top deck of the ferry as we left the harbour)

We then boarded the ferry at Saint Malo, went up to the top deck and watched as we headed away from Saint Malo and out to sea. We'd had a lovely trip to Spain and France, probably one of the best we've had, but we were ready to go home. The journey was 8 or 9 hours long on the ferry, which was longer than I expected, but this time we at least had a cabin with a window and tea and coffee making facilities and the journey wasn't as rough as our outward voyage.
When we got back to the UK, we called in on LB on our way home, as we passed close to where she lives on our drive back to London. It was nice to see her and see how cosy her and her friend have made their flat. It was a nice end to our week's holiday.

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