Sunday 27 October 2024

A New Week - W/E 26th October 2024

This week started with a lie in. I wasn't working on Sunday for the first Sunday in a while (save for our holiday). It was a morning of OH speaking to/messaging various members of his family to see how everyone was after the sad news the night before. We didn't head up to Yorkshire, as OH's two sisters were at his mum's. He was planning to travel up later in the week.

We stayed home today. OH wasn't cycling as he's recovering from an injury, so we just chilled at home. I spent the morning changing my wardrobe over to Autumn/Winter, which was overdue. I also went through the drawers where I keep t-shirts/gymwear, etc. and I decided to donate quite a few things that I just don't wear anymore. It felt good to get all the summer clothing packed away until next year.

I chilled for the rest of the day, had another nap in the afternoon, as I felt very tired and then later after supper, we watched TV. We're watching Jilly Cooper's 'Rivals' on Disney at the moment, amongst other things, which is quite entertaining.

On Monday, I got up, ready and headed out shopping as usual. It felt nice not to have to be back for work in the evening. I could take my time and have a good look around, especially with Xmas on the distant horizon. I did buy a couple of small bits for Xmas, but didn't really see much that I wanted to buy at this point in time, as I'm still waiting on LB's Xmas list. I did venture into my favourite charity shop too and despite being on a lower spend month, I did buy a few bits of clothing for my winter wardrobe. I stayed away from anything black for a change, as I need more colours adding to the mix. I had a lovely day, in any case and then headed home.

On Tuesday, I was booked into my usual class at the gym. It didn't get off to a great start, as there was a heated argument between a couple of people attending, which seemed a bit unnecessary. Anyway, things calmed down and the class was okay. 

After class, I came home and had some lunch and then I decided to go up to my sewing room and start work machine sewing the shed sofa cover together, or at least, what I'd done so far of it. It started off okay, but I made a few errors and had to unpick some bits and resew them.  The top corners of the cover where three or four different seams meet was tricky to get right. I did the best I could.  It's not perfect but I'm hoping it will still fit when I try it on the sofa again. It felt good to get this done and very relaxing to have an afternoon sewing.

I also did a slight alteration to a jacket I thrifted the other week. I removed the collar and then stitched across the top, as I much prefer the jacket collarless. I also changed the buttons, which were way too big and looked cheap, replacing them with some nice vintage ones from my stash. I was happy with the result and will be much more likely to wear it now.

OH meanwhile, did some work on sanding and undercoating the upstairs landing. It's made the upstairs a bit messy with dust, but it will look a lot better once finished. We just have to choose a top colour now. We've had bare floorboards up the stairs for years now, since we took up the stair carpet about 3 or 4 years ago, so it feels good to finally start to tackle them and make them look more finished. I'm hoping we'll have it all finished and possibly LB's room too by Xmas, but we'll have to see what happens.

Wednesday, was my last day off before I returned to work on Thursday. As a consequence of not needing to be anywhere, I decided to have a lie in. It's quiet here at the moment, save for building noise from next door, as our neighbours are away. I eventually got up and showered and went down for a late breakfast.

After lunch, I made some small egg muffins for snacking and made another apple crumble, as I needed to use up more of the cooking apples OH's mum had given us. I then picked up my hexi quilt again and did some work on that which I enjoyed. I've really loved having free days to do as I please this last week, it's been so restorative.

On Thursday morning, I woke early as OH was heading off to Yorkshire to visit his mum. I was also booked into the gym first thing, so I headed off there for a workout. When I got back, I got quite a few jobs done. I sorted some laundry and put more on, I also changed some bedding and tidied around upstairs. I placed an order with Approved Food, which I haven't done in an age, but a couple of bargains were hard to ignore. I didn't spend much and stuck to things we will definitely use. I find that they have less food on the site now and more beauty products, which are usually of the expensive kind, so I rarely shop anymore. I may do a little haul when my order arrives. 

A couple of items I'd ordered from eBay came today too, one, a lipstick was okay, but not quite the shade I had hoped, but I'll still wear it. The second was a foundation that I've been wearing for a while.  I think it is discontinued in shops now, but I often find things on eBay that I can no longer find anywhere else, when I want to continue using the same product.

I was due at work for 5pm. It always feels a bit strange going in when I've been off for a stretch. I had plenty of challenges to quickly get me back up to scratch though, lets just put it that way. The night wasn't too busy but passed quickly and before I knew it I was heading back home to an empty house, which also felt a little strange.

On Friday, it was nice waking up and knowing I didn't have to go anywhere until later in the afternoon, so I could have a lie in and a leisurely breakfast. I spent the day at home, planning future sewing projects and doing odd jobs. Work in the evening was okay. It's been a strange week at work, one minute it's much quieter than normal and then there's an influx of people, not the normal steady flow. Probably because it's the end of the month and a lot of people are waiting to get paid.

Saturday was much the same as Friday, but I was working from 2pm. I didn't get to the gym in the morning as I was feeling too tired after not sleeping well. Work passed okay and we got to leave a bit early.  When I got home, OH was back from visiting his mum so we caught up on his news. The funeral has now been arranged and luckily I've got a gap in my shifts around the exact time. I just need to tell my Manager and ask for my rota to remain unchanged for that week and we should be able to go to Yorkshire for a few nights.

Another week that has whizzed past. Less than 60 days to Xmas now (you can tell I work in retail) and I need to start thinking about starting my main gift shopping, as I like to be finished by the end of November and not have to venture to the shops in December.

I hope your week went well.

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