Monday 19 September 2016

Getting Back on Track

After the departure of our visitor on Sunday afternoon, today was all about getting back on track with everyday life.  I was back at the gym in the morning, but just for an hour, instead of the usual two, because I had to do the food shopping, go home, shower and have lunch, and then head out to my dental appointment for 2pm.

The appointment itself went okay and my treatment was quite quick and relatively pain free. I didn't need any injections, which was a bonus, although my mouth is feeling a little tender as I write this, but I'm sure it will be okay by tomorrow. I was pleased with the results and now that this particular expense has been paid for, and I don't need to go back for another 6 months, I can concentrate on directing funds towards other areas, such as Christmas.

I didn't get too much else done today, save for doing a couple of small errands on the way home, putting away all of the grocery shopping, doing a little Christmas shopping on line and then making and clearing up after supper. One thing at a time I guess.

Tuesday and Wednesday, I will be at the CS, so it will be Thursday really, before I can realistically start to make any more progress, but there's no particular hurry, things will get done when they get done. For now, I'm enjoying the here and now and appreciating not having any impending visit, appointment or event.

In fact, to celebrate this I'm going to retire to bed early tonight and indulge in reading a bit more of my current book, which I'm really enjoying. I'll post again later in the week.


  1. Nothing better than curling up in bed with a good book.

    God bless.

    1. So true, Jackie. Problem is, when I find a book I enjoy, I spend far too long reading it and end up getting ready in a rush or not getting enough sleep.

      There's a lot to be said for a book that doesn't grab you too much and that you can pick up and put down easily.
