Monday 4 August 2014


Sunday morning, whilst out walking the dog, we happened to stumble upon a Jumble Sale Trail in our neighbourhood.  People were setting up stalls in front of their houses with balloons tied outside to indicate the trail.

We later found out on the grapevine, that there was a big community jumble event going on.  Apparently, they had done the same thing last year, but either we were on holiday at the time or just weren't in the know, as I don't recall it.

When I got back home I checked out the website.  There was a great map pinpointing where all the 50 or so participating stalls would be and what they would be selling, i.e. clothing, children's items, books, general jumble, cakes, food, etc.  A great idea.  

As we were on our way out to the gym for my morning class, we thought it was perhaps a bit too late for us to join in this year, our neighours were participating though, so Little Bird went out to check out what was going on.

On our way to the gym we decided we'd join in when we got home.  As I had to do the weekly shop before we came home I bought a few extra things, namely some doughnuts and some fruit to make fruit kebabs for the stall and then we headed home.

Whilst Little Bird got started on the kebabs, I got out the wallpapering table and clothes rail started to set them up with lots of bits and pieces out of the charity shop bag, which was waiting to be taken and from around the house and garden.  Here's a picture of the stall once Little Bird had rearranged it.

The footfall wasn't great despite the colourful signs put up at the top of the street by some neighbours,

probably due to the fact that most people tended to check out the streets further up the road nearer the Sunday market.  In spite of this she made a few sales and managed to make a little bit of money towards her stationery budget for secondary school.  All good as there were a few more things winging their way out of the door.

I did manage to restrain myself and not wander around the other stalls myself to buy anything (although I did get a couple of items of makeup from our neighbour's stall), as our house is already full of jumble.  A great community spirited event though, so a big thank you to those who organised it.

I was pleased we made the effort to join in, even if it was just for a short time, as I think Little Bird really enjoyed it.  Hopefully, next year we'll know more about it, and if we're not on holiday, she'll be able to do some baking for it too.

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