Monday 24 November 2014

Giving Away Something Every Day in December.

Having bleated on for several months now about my current interest in minimalism and decluttering, (sorry if I've been boring you) and after having read Frugal Queen's post on Saturday, I have been inspired to join with the @street_bank's challenge on Twitter to give something away every day in December.  What a great way to put my money where my mouth is so to speak.

Although I don't tweet myself and have never actually been on Twitter, my understanding is that they are encouraging people to rally against the rampant consumerism of Christmas and give something away every day this advent. 

As I am always trying to declutter and constantly trying to find things to give away, I am totally game for this challenge.  I already have a huge bag of clothes and towels all ready to take to the charity shop, some of which might find their way elsewhere, in an attempt to vary the recipients of each giveaway, as much as is possible.

I think that the majority of things might still find their way to the charity shop.  I don't want to foist my leftovers on unsuspecting or unwilling recipients, nor be guilty of littering.  If, however, the things I no longer want to give house room to, can be of use to someone else, then this is definitely as good a place to donate as any other.

Donations may also include handing down a few items to Little Bird now her feet are almost the same size as my own or passing outgrown things or books I've read onto other family members.  Whilst I do realise that this may not always involve removing them from my house, I don't actually think there will be many such items and I do so hate waste, so if anything in our house can be used or reused by anyone else who lives here then so be it.  

In addition, a few finished books may find their way into the Little Free Library down the road and a few other items may get put outside the house for people to help themselves to.  I'll see what I can do.

I will be posting weekly to document the things I have found to give away and ways I have found to do this.  Anyone else fancy joining in?


  1. Sounds intriguing! Will have to find out more - is there a link?

  2. @street_bank on Twitter I think. You could check out Frugal Queen's blog post on Saturday for more details. Sorry I've never been on Twitter.

    1. I just checked out their website at They have a blog which tells you about the challenge. You are supposed to use their website to give things away, but I'll be doing it in my own way by putting things outside on the street or giving them to the charity shop or other charitable organisations. Hope this helps. Check out the site.
