Sunday 7 April 2024

A Car Boot Sale and a Busy Week

This week started off with a rare family outing to a favourite Car Boot Sale on Easter Sunday morning. Probably not everybody's idea of a nice way to spend Easter Sunday morning, but we enjoyed a drive out of London and a mooch round the stalls for a few hours. I packed myself a lunch, so that I wouldn't be tempted to eat unhealthy food whilst we were out.  We were having a roast dinner in the evening, due to having other stuff planned during the day.

We needed to get back home for 1pm, as OH had hired a van in a particular slot, for us to take all of the garden debris from last weekend, to our local Tip. I had been looking forward all last week to getting this job done.  

It was quite straightforward and such a relief to clear the garden of all the debris. Here's a couple of after pictures:

It was so nice to get our garden back and have space to work outside again. There's still a few things that don't have a home, but we'll find somewhere to put them at some point.

When we got back from the Tip, I spent an hour in the garden, sweeping up after removing the debris and then I potted on some of my houseplants, which I've been meaning to do for a while.

OH had ordered new fence panels and wood to build replacement fencing and they were scheduled to be delivered later in the week, which was exciting.

As planned, in the early evening, I cooked us roast beef with all the trimmings to celebrate Easter Sunday, which was very enjoyable and we exchanged Easter eggs. I didn't worry too much about calorie counting, although I tried not to overeat. 

It was a busy day, but enjoyable and productive. Most importantly, it was just lovely to spend it together as a family and do things together.

On Easter Monday, I was due to work in the evening. OH took the dog out in the morning, so I decided to do my second Couch to 5K run. I went quite early this time, so there were fewer people out and about.

When I got back, I spent a couple of hours in the garden, clearing more vegetation and doing some pruning of some of our trees, which was badly needed. We decided to chop our apple tree down completely, which I didn't relish, but it hasn't been thriving for a while and has a furry fungus that appears on it every summer. It also never bears fruit anymore, so we decided it was time for it to go. OH still needs to dig the roots out, but  it has really opened up the border near the back door, which is good. 

After finishing in the garden, I made some lunch and then had to get a shower and get ready for work in the evening. I wasn't really feeling it, if I'm  honest. When I got to work the store was super busy and I found I was working in my favourite section, which was good. The time passed very quickly.

On Tuesday, I was booked into a class at the gym in the morning. I really enjoyed the class and worked hard in it. 

Later, in the afternoon, I ventured out of town to do the weekly shop, as we were getting low on lots of things. It felt good to get stocked up again after the Easter weekend. I used another voucher giving me £6 off a £60 shop at Tesco. I did most of my shopping there this week in order to use it.

Wednesday, was a pretty quiet day at home. I was working in the evening, so I was happy just to stay home, chill and catch up on a few jobs. I did my last Couch to 5K run of Week 1, so I will be moving into a new week and a new regime on my next run. I added an extra minute of running onto the end of this run, as I feel like I need to push on a little with the 5K run being in 6 or 7 weeks time.

Work was okay tonight, I was asked and agreed to work on Thursday night too.

On Thursday, I was all set to book a gym session, but when I tried, there were very few bookable sessions in the morning for some reason. As I needed to take LB to a dental appointment in the afternoon, this meant that I couldn't book an afternoon session, so I did a few weights at home instead. I noticed that the situation was the same for Friday too, so I didn't book a session.

I took LB to the dentist, and luckily she didn't need any treatment, so that made it relatively inexpensive. When I came back, it was time to get ready for work. Work was busy. I agreed to work another shift on Friday night today, so my hours have increased quite a bit for the week. At least that means that I'll be earning a bit more money. Besides, LB goes back to Uni tomorrow afternoon, so it will be good to keep busy. I felt a bit emotional on Thursday at the thought of her going back. I love her being home and I'll miss her.

On Friday, I decided to have a chilled morning. I caught up on a few jobs and then sat down and did some work on my Hexi Star quilt. It felt good, as it's been a busy couple of weeks and I needed some downtime. 

LB was heading back to Uni in the afternoon, so I dropped her off at the station. I then booked into the gym I just had enough time to go before having to get ready for work. I enjoyed my gym session, but I felt a bit unfit today. I hadn't been in the gym for over a week and I could feel it. 

The sports centre where I go to the gym and classes, is having lots of renovations done in the near future. I'm wondering how it might disrupt my exercise routine. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Work tonight was very busy, but passed quickly, which is always good. I've been getting home quite late for the past three nights, so it's taking a toll.

I had a day off on Saturday and hoped I wouldn't be asked to go into work again. I wasn't. I walked the dog in the morning, had a nice lunch and did a few jobs. I ended up having a nap in the afternoon, as I was feeling really tired. I felt much better for it.

On Saturday evening, OH treated us to renting a movie online. I was in the mood to watch the new Hunger Games movie, which came out last year, so OH streamed it and we watched it whilst I worked on my quilt. I enjoyed it. It was a nice treat to end the week.

I've got another busy week at work next week with extra shifts to work, but I'm hoping things might slow down a little and I might get a bit more work done around the house. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Really what a lovely week you had. No outdoor yard sales or garage sales here as of yet. Hopefully soon.

    God bless.
