Sunday 25 September 2022

This Week - Week Ending 24/9/22

This week got off to a busy start on Sunday as it was our local Jumble Trail and I decided to take a look around for the first time in a good few years. I've posted separately about this, but I quite enjoyed it and bought a few small inexpensive items.

My sister got in touch whilst I was walking around, so we exchanged news and it was good to catch up with what's going on in each others' lives.

Later that afternoon, I had to go out to Lidl to do the weekly shop, as I usually do it on a Monday and most of the supermarkets were going to be closed to allow staff to watch the Queen's funeral.  We had run out of most things that we use daily, so a visit was necessary. I managed to spend just over £30. I didn't get everything we needed and I will probably have to do a small top up shop during the week, but I got enough to tide us over for a good few days. 

The shop and car park were so busy, and lots of the shelves were empty when I got there. It was almost like Christmas. The thought of supermarkets being closed for a day and everyone piles down there, myself included. I used a £2 voucher on this visit that I'd earned this month and I also qualified for a free pack of W5 multi-surface wipes too, which I welcomed.

Once I got home, I had a couple of small household tasks to do and I also decided to update my CV on Indeed, so that I could start applying for part time jobs. I put in a few applications. I'll let you know if anything comes of them.

On Monday, I woke up to a disturbing What's App message from LB, that she'd sent in the early hours whilst we were asleep. There'd been an incident in her halls involving a friend and she was obviously upset.  By the time I woke up and tried to contact her, she was asleep so didn't respond, so I had a few hours waiting until I could get hold of her to find out what had happened. 

Anyway, I had to skoot around the park with the dog, so that I could get back in time to watch the Queen's funeral. When I got back, I managed to get hold of LB, so I was trying to talk to her and reassure her for a while, whilst it was on TV.  Sometimes, life gets in the way, even of an event as monumental as a monarch's funeral, but I had to give priority to my daughter to be honest.

Thankfully, things were okay, but it was a serious incident and I was really worried for a while. I can't go into detail here, as it's someone else's personal story, but thankfully there was no danger to LB, although she was quite shocked and scared by what happened. 

Eventually, I did get to settle down and watch the funeral in peace. It was very moving and eloquent and I thought a very fitting tribute to the Queen's reign and life. Most of the day was spent watching the coverage, although I did stop for a while and went off to do a small cleaning job at one point. It was a long day, that has brought the previous 11 days to a close.

Later, in the evening, I did some banking and bill paying so that I was all set for the start of a new week.

On Tuesday morning, I went along to the gym to do my usual Aerobics class. It was all the more enjoyable after not being able to get there last week.

When I got back I had lunch and then had to go to the Post Office to post off an online sale. Encouraged by this, I then did some more listing for the rest of the afternoon. I only got about 5 things listed, as it takes quite a bit of time to do each listing, what with photographing, taking measurements and creating listings, etc., probably about half an hour per listing all told.  Today, I was listing mostly vintage fabrics from my collection, that I no longer want to keep. I'm hoping they will sell. I have lots more fabric to list this week or when I next get the chance or inclination.

Later, I took the dog out for a walk, and picked up this book from one of the local Little Free Libraries. I'm pretty sure I haven't read it, although I've read quite a few by this author over the years. I'm not really reading much at the moment, just not feeling it, so I'm hoping I will get back into it by reading this book.

Wednesday, I was out at the Soca Aerobics class late morning. It was good fun this week. We had the whole sports hall to ourselves. When I got back, I didn't do a whole lot to be honest. Instead I had an afternoon working on my latest patchwork project, which is my favourite thing to do at the moment.

Thursday, was a bit busier. Whilst out on the dog walk, I stopped in at my local charity shop to essentially look for some plain fabric for my patchwork project, but I couldn't find enough of it.  Instead, I found the elusive larger plant pot that I'd been looking for for a while. It cost me £4.50. 

Above is a picture of the newly potted on plant inside it in the bathroom. I like it and it cost a lot less than buying a new one of this size would. 

I also bought this large ball of thick wool or acrylic yarn. It's really chunky and nice and I've started to make a very basic pair of fingerless gloves with it, for when the weather gets colder. It cost £1.50.

I haven't been to this particular charity shop for probably 6 weeks, as I've not really had any spare cash to spend, so it was a treat. Unfortunately, someone shoplifted some expensive trainers whilst I was in there, which led to a bit of an altercation. It reminded me of work and I felt glad that I'm not there anymore.

Later, I had to head out to get some food shopping, as we were running out of everything. I then went on to B&Q to pick up some dowling for my loom, (I'd lost a piece when I was going round the Jumble Trail, and it's important to keep the sides of anything you weave straight). It only cost just over £2, but doubled the cost of the loom!

I also dropped into a local shop to get some houseplant compost, as I needed to pot on three plants into bigger pots. It felt satisfying to get that done, as it's been on my list a while. 

I applied for a couple more jobs today.  That's five now this week, I hope I hear something from at least one of them.

Friday, was a pretty quiet day at home. I dropped in to our local library and borrowed a couple of books, but otherwise it was very uneventful.

On Saturday, OH was away all day at a cycling event in Norfolk, so I had the house to myself, which is quite rare. I went to a free session at the gym in the morning and then I got lost in the sewing room for the afternoon, reorganising things a bit and trying to make it feel a little less cluttered. Not easy in this particular room. 

Later, I made a draught excluder for a door in the living room from a scrap of fabric that matches a quilt we use in this room. It is a very simple one, but it should do the job. I stuffed it with the stuffing from a cushion that had seen better days, so it cost me nothing to make.

This week seems to have gone by so quickly. Hope you had a good week.

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