Thursday, 9 June 2016

Floral Explosion

 The garden seems to have come into it's own in the last week or so and is looking wonderfully wild and floral.

I'm not a partricularly tidy gardener, so I love this time of year the best for this little garden, as it is the month when next door's lovely climbing rose and my orange blossom entwine and provide flowers in abundance.  Such a lovely sight to greet me when I go into the garden, and they smell great too.

The bushes in this border also seems to be flowering too, with their stems of yellow blooms.

There is no stopping the foxgloves, which seem to have multiplied every time I go out and look at them.

Finally, the border of geraniums with it's one allium outside the kitchen door are also flowering and providing a carpet of pink.

Needless to say, I'm enjoying the moment and making the most of it, as it gets much less colourful as the year progresses.