Thursday 6 October 2016

A Bit of A CS Catch Up

You might have noticed from recent posts, that I've been working a lot at the CS in recent weeks, but I haven't really said much about what has been happening, and a lot has happened.

The manageress has resigned after 8 years in the job.  I didn't mention it in previous posts, as not everyone in the shop knew, but the job has now been advertised and everyone working there now knows, so I feel I can mention it on my blog.

She's been under a lot of stress for a long time now and was worried it was starting to impact on her health. It was difficult for her to take holidays and days off due to the shop relying on lots of interns who only stay for a few months.  I can't say I blame her in the circumstances, but I think she'd been thinking about it for a while now.

As a consequence of this, and the fact that I'm taking two weeks off after this week for my sister's visit, I've been doing a few extra shifts to help out, as the shop has been having a sale for the past month and it's been super busy, as well as there being a bit of a lull between interns finishing and starting.

I've enjoyed working in the sale, mainly because it's been so much busier and the days go so much quicker.  The Christmas stock has also been arriving and been put out on the shelves, so there's been a lot of things to do, which makes the work more interesting.

I'll be really sad to see the manager leave.  We're very different people, but she's very generous at heart and caring, and I feel a strong sense of loyalty to her, for giving me an opportunity to get out of the house and do something different. I think some of the other staff will miss her too, as they've got to know her well over the last 8 or 9 years.

In addition, there is the question of who will get the job and what they will be like.  I'll probably stay and see if it changes much.  I think I will be making sure I don't over do it once the new manager comes and  be firm about the days and hours I'm prepared to work, as it's kind of taken over at the moment and I've got behind on things at home as a consequence.

I don't really mind, as I need the time off for my sister's visit, which isn't that convenient in the circumstances and I know it's only for a short time, so I want to help the manager as much as I can before she leaves. A new manager coming, however, is an opportunity for me to start to be a little more assertive, in order to get a better balance.

My last day at the shop for a couple of weeks is Friday.  I don't feel so bad about going off now, as the manager has managed to recruit quite a few new interns and volunteers to help her for the next month or so, so I know she'll have plenty of staff while I'm away.

Next week, the sale will be over and the Autumn/Winter clothing will be in the shop, as well as all of the Christmas cards, foods, some gifts, etc. I'm looking forward to working in the shop over the Christmas period, as it should be nice and festive, but we'll see what happens in the next couple of months.


  1. Whoo, Christmas, can't wait and I bet you can't wait to see your sister.

    1. No, I'm getting quite excited as the time is getting nearer, but I still have to clean the house!

  2. I understand how the shop manager became so stressed ! I have gone back to volunteering & very relieved not to be in charge. The shop is over stuffed with donations which all arrive through the front door to be sorted in a tiny area. There are a few grumbles from volunteers. There are now two deputy managers to support the manager but for me I choose when I go in now.

    Good luck !

    1. Thanks Penny. I think I might need it when I go back after my sister's visit.

      I am thinking of looking around for other paid or voluntary opportunities nearer home, as the commute adds two hours to my day and is pretty tiresome really.
