Thursday, 6 March 2025

A Small Charity Shop Haul

This week whilst out doing the weekly shop, I ventured into one of my favourite charity shops. It's been a couple of weeks since I last visited, so I was happy to return. To be honest, I didn't see a whole lot that interested me.  I think perhaps the best items are put in the shop for the weekend and I never visit at weekends, it's always a Monday, when possibly all the best things have probably been bought up.

Anyway, I still had a good look around. I only really need clothing for work, black tops mainly for the coming warmer weather, but I didn't find anything suitable. I didn't even try any clothes on, such were the slim pickings this visit. This is virtually unheard of for me.

What I did find, however, was this pair of brand new ASOS chunky biker boots.  They're probably not going to be to everyone's taste, but I do like a chunky boot with skirts and dresses and for £5 brand new, I couldn't leave them in the shop.

The next item I bought was this belt for £1. It looks unused, synthetic with no brand, but I thought it might be good to cinch in a dress and I like the khaki colour and style of it. I tried it around my waist and it fitted, even with a big sweater on, so that came home with me too.

The only other clothing/accessory item I bought was this lovely pair of bamboo socks. They cost £2 and have this lovely feather design. I love me a pair of socks and as they are brand new, I'll probably put these away for OH to give me for my birthday later in the year.

I also bought a couple of books. I have lots of books to read, but at two books for £1, I found the one referencing native indigenous American traditions first and couldn't resist it. I've been watching Yellowstone on Netflix recently and it has brought their culture to mind. I admire their beliefs about living as one with nature, not taking too much from the earth and taking good care of it, which is something that we should all be doing more of in my humble opinion. I'm looking forward to reading more about these beliefs and how in combination with science, they can lead to a better understanding of nature.

The second book, by Patricia Highsmith, I bought to make up the 2 for £1, but it sounds really good, so I think I might enjoy reading this one. I've never read this author's work before but it has some good reviews.

I bought one other small organisation item which isn't shown here, but it cost £1, so in total I spent £10, which is okay. I'm happy with the items I bought. All of them are new or if not, as new. Sometimes, when I get the thrifting itch, I just have to scratch it and this little outing has done just that, without causing too much damage to the budget.

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