This week started with a treat. OH took a day off from cycling and took me out to a Car Boot Sale on Sunday morning. I had a great mooch around for a couple of hours whilst OH went for a run and got a cup of coffee and then we headed home via Selco, to look at some bricks to build a brick patio in the garden. There were some nice ones, but we just have to price them up now and make a decision about which ones we want to use.
When we got home, I spent the afternoon writing some new blogposts that will be published over the next week or so. I also needed to find a home for my car boot sale purchases, so I headed up to the sewing room to put most of them away.
Whilst up there, I did an hour or so of machine sewing, on both a new slow stitch project for LB and on making a bag from a skirt that I purchased at the charity shop last week for £1. I put the zip in and sewed the main bag pieces together. I now need to work on the lining and then figure out a way to attach the straps. It's coming along. I'll probably post about it when I've finished it, if it turns out okay.
After supper, we settled down to watch the final episode of season 4 of Yellowstone. It's been our go to for weeks now, so I'll miss watching this now we've completed all the available seasons on Netflix.
On Monday, our neighbours on one side were having builders starting work on building into their side return. As a consequence, the lovely mature honeysuckle will have to be cut down. I have tried to root some of the new shoots, but I don't think they've had time to root, but I'm hoping they will before the fence comes down.
My calorie counting has been successful in that I've lost 3lbs in the last week, which feels good. At least my weight is finally going back in the right direction. I went for a run on Monday morning, but just a very slow 3km, as that was all I was feeling.
I then went out to do the weekly shop locally. I'm staying well away from any charity shops and any other spending temptations for the remainder of this month, as I've spent way too much money already on things that aren't essential. I was at work for 5pm on Monday, which went okay.
On Tuesday, I was booked into my usual session at the gym. Over breakfast, I decided to do a little bit of financial work, namely finding out the balance on a couple of small pensions. One from an ex-employer isn't worth much, so I'm contemplating cashing that one in come the new financial year. The other, my current employer is also small, as I only work part-time, but it was interesting to see how much it is currently worth. I have a couple of other pensions from jobs I did way back, which will give me some income when I reach the age of 60. (Not long now!) I really need to get updates of their current value as they are getting close to maturity.
My class was good and then after lunch, I had to take a walk up to the pharmacy, as I needed them to provide me with an emergency supply of one of my medications. I thought I had another blister pack, but had completely run out and it takes at least 2 days for the prescription to come through. Thankfully they were very helpful and gave me enough supply to see me through until then. At least it helped to increase my steps for the day. I also dropped into the library whilst out, for the first time in ages. I borrowed these books and am currently reading the book about sustainable living which is quite good.
On Wednesday, I had a lie in and read for a while. I decided to have an exercise free day, as I was waiting for a delivery and just wasn't feeling like going for a run. I took pleasure in hanging out at home doing some sewing and reading. I did a bit more work on the handbag that I'm making from a thrifted skirt. I'm now just waiting for the webbing for the strap to arrive, so that I can finish it.
I also did some work on my hexi star quilt. I thought that I was close to finishing it, but realised tonight that I need to make more of the hexie diamonds to fill in some gaps around the edges. I think this project is going to take a full two years at the speed I'm progressing with it. (I started it in November 2023)
On Thursday, I got up and had breakfast, whilst creating more hexies for my quilt. I eventually went out for a 5km run. It was pretty warm and sunny today, which was lovely, but it made it quite hot for running. When I got home I spent most of the afternoon making more hexies, then a bit later I retired to the sewing room to finish the bag I've been making. I've posted separately about this. I was very happy with the results.
I then decided to start work on a new scrappy project bag. I've always got so many projects on the go, I can always make use of another one. For this one, I used lots of scraps of lighter coloured vintage and other fabrics, that I really couldn't imagine using for anything else. I didn't quite get it finished, as it got late and I don't like to disturb the neighbours with the sound of my sewing machine. I don't know why it feels so satisfying to use up scraps, but it always does. I decided that from now on, I'm going to keep all the very small bits of offcuts and bits of thread from quilting and sewing and try to use them as stuffing for projects, rather than throw them into landfill, which is what I've been doing up until now. It will be interesting to see how much I collect over time.
On Friday, I got up in a leisurely manner, as I didn't need to be anywhere until much later in the day. I spent some time on my hexi quilt project today and then did a little more work on the new project bag, but once again I didn't get it finished as I had to get ready for work. Work was good tonight, I enjoyed my shift doing my favourite job.
On Saturday, I had to get up and out to the last free gym session until May. To be honest, I'm not sorry that the term has finished, as it will be nice to have a lie in on a Saturday morning, especially for the next couple of weeks as I'll be working late on Fridays. The sessions will re-start in May. I'll just have to make sure I go to the gym in the week instead.
On leaving the gym, I headed into our local town centre to get something I'd run out of and then walked back home via the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. By the time I got back I'd done almost 10,000 steps, which is just as well as I won't be doing many more for the rest of the day. It got a couple of errands done though, which is good.
In the afternoon, I decided to enrol on a new sewing course. It's one I used to go to many years ago, probably more than 10 years ago, more like 15 actually. It's a nine week course, attending 2 hours per week on a Tuesday afternoon. There was just one place left, so I thought I'd better book it before it got snapped up. I did check with my manager at work that it would be okay to be unavailable on Tuesdays whilst attending, and she was fine with it. It wasn't too expensive either. I paid just £53, which really is a bargain for the tuition. I want to attend mainly because I want to make a dress using a pattern I bought at the car boot sale, but think I'll need the guidance of a teacher, as I haven't done any dressmaking for a long time. To be honest, it will be nice to get out and do something outside of the home and meet new people too. I'm looking forward to it starting in late April.
The rest of the afternoon, I spent doing some more fun scrap fabric work in the sewing room. I decided to start on some scrappy rolls and see how they go. I'm just jumping from one project to the next at the moment, but I'm enjoying myself.
We finished the week watching a new series on Netflix, which is a prequel to Yellowstone, set in the late 19th century when the Duttons are on the move to Montana. It's quite good and will give us something to watch over the next week or so.
I think if that is the first prequel to Yellowstone there is only one season. If it is the 1923 one there are 2 for sure with the third season that started about a month ago.
ReplyDeleteI love using up my scraps, but have never thought of using all the smallest bits and threads as stuffing. What a great idea.
God bless.
I didn't know there was a 1923 series as well. That's great. We'll need to look for that one next.