Saturday 2 December 2023

A Busy Week of Cleaning, Getting Ready for Xmas and a Trip to Yorkshire W/E 2nd December 2023

This week on Sunday, I was due to work in the afternoon. It was the first time I'd been scheduled to work on a Sunday. I had plenty of time to walk the dog in the morning though, which was good. I bumped into a fellow dog walker whilst out, who had suffered a recent sudden bereavement, which was a bit of a shock and very sad. We had a good chat as we walked back home.

After having some lunch, I got ready for work. It was nice to work an afternoon shift again and get home and eat at a reasonable time. Work was very busy, but passed very quickly too. In the evening, I just chilled, did a bit of hand sewing and caught up on some YouTube after a busy weekend.

On Monday morning, I got to sleep in for a little while, as OH took the dog out. I eventually surfaced around 11am and had some breakfast, before deciding to spend the day cleaning. I worked my way down the stairs with the vacuum and the mop, dusting as I went. It was another part of the house brought up to scratch for Xmas. I also did some washing, so that I had clothes to wear for work. It was nice not to be at work and not to have to go anywhere, as I'd done the shopping on Friday. I could actually catch up on some jobs at home and do my month end financial reckoning.

On Tuesday, I was back at my usual class at the gym. I enjoyed it more, because I'd not gone last week. 

On the way to the gym, I found this little set of IKEA Moppe drawers left out on the pavement. It was missing a couple of drawers, but I'll just use the space as a shelf.  It was a bit grubby, but perfect for the sewing room, so I hoiked it to the gym with me, just in case it was taken by someone else. 

When I got home, I hoovered out the drawers. They were a bit minging, mostly dust, but I did find some nail clippings, which were a bit gross. It will be fine once it has been painted and lined with pretty paper. I'll post when I've done the upcycle.

I was working in the evening, so later I got showered and got ready to go. I made myself some chilli for lunch, which I ate with tortilla chips, so I only needed something light when I got home after 10pm.

Work was okay, but I was glad to get home, as we were going away for a few days the following day to visit family in Yorkshire.

On Wednesday, I got up and took it fairly easy in the morning before starting to get packed to head off to Yorkshire. We managed to get away for about 2.30pm. We had to make a diversion on the way up, due to traffic, but got there for around 6.30pm and stopped of at OH's parents for an hour or so before heading to our accommodation.  

On this visit, we were staying in a small apartment in the centre of Hull. It was a lovely little apartment and very well equipped, perfect for a two night stay. We just chilled the first night, as we were tired after the journey.

The next morning, Thursday, it started snowing which was a lovely surprise.  Here's a picture of the view of the street below our apartment: 

We headed back to OH's parents, as his mum was going out and OH needed to sit with his dad until she came back and then there were some jobs she needed him to help her with. I went off to do some shopping at a large B&M store locally, that I'd visited for the first time on our last trip. I managed to get most of the last few things on my list, plus I threw in a few other things for good measure. I'm about all set for Xmas now.

I picked us all up some obligatory lunch from the fish and chip shop on the way home. We stayed at OH's parents until about 5pm and then headed back to our apartment for the evening. It was nice to get back and have a light supper.  We then decided to go out and explore the old part of Hull Town Centre, close to where we were staying. We went in a couple of traditional old pubs for a drink, which was nice and then explored the nooks and crannies of the Old Town, where there are lots of little alleyways and cobbled streets. It's a lovely part of the city and well worth a visit.

On Friday morning, we had to pack up and leave our little apartment. We'd enjoyed our stay and may return to the same accommodation on a future visit as we do like it's location. We stopped off at Boyes store, (of course), on our way back to OH's parents. I managed to spend a fair amount of money in there. (I'd been paid from my new job the day before!) The store was celebrating over 100 years of trading on Hessle Road in Hull, and I was offered a free branded gift with my purchases. 

I chose a pen, as who doesn't need and use a pen. I wished the staff another 100 years of trading, as I really love this store. It's such good value for lots of things. It's a local institution.

We made one last stop before heading home later, which was the Tip Shop. LB had contacted us to tell us that she needed some crockery for a Uni project. A dinner service basically. We found her this one in the Tip Shop for £20, with lots of additional serving dishes. 

She would probably pay more than this in a charity shop in London, for all of the many pieces it contained. (Probably about 40 or 50) We brought it back to London on the back seat of the car.

The traffic coming home wasn't great, so the journey was long. We were super happy to finally get home. We've now got new neighbours on one side, as our old neighbours moved out whilst we were away. (I did say goodbye before we left). They haven't moved far, so we'll probably see them around. We haven't met the new neighbours yet, but they do have a dog, which will be interesting for our dog.

Once home on Friday evening, I jumped back on the computer after two days of not really being online, save for on my phone. It was good to catch up. I'm looking forward to just getting back to normal and enjoying the lead up to Xmas. I also opened the first day of my advent calendar.

On Saturday morning, I went along to my usual gym session which was good. Next week is the last one until January, which I wasn't expecting. I'll just have to book into the gym a few times mid week. 

I made a soup for lunch and then in the afternoon, I did a bit of sewing before heading off to do the weekly shop. By the time I'd got back and put everything away, it was time to get ready for work. I needed to pick up a Click and Collect order, so I went early. It was a present for LB's birthday, but when I opened it they'd sent the wrong colour. It was very disappointing. It's going back.

Anyway, work was okay, but it seems to drag a little doing the job I've been doing lately. I agreed to work on Sunday, as I'd been asked to do an extra shift the day we left to go to Yorkshire and I couldn't, so I thought I'd better show that I am willing to do the odd extra shift. The money is always welcome. I have a feeling it will be very busy tomorrow, so may pass a bit faster.

So, that was my week. I hope you've had a good week.


  1. I've not needed to do a pre Christmas clean, as the whole downstairs was done when hubby decorated, even the top of the kitchen cabinets, a job I hate. You choose your weekend well, as they have snow up north this weekend.

  2. I am busy starting my Christmas baking and trying to put the finishing touches on a few things. Decorations are up and I am beginning to feel a bit festive.

    God bless.
