Friday 30 April 2021

April Budget Update

I haven't done a budget update for a couple of months, mainly because March was a bit of a disaster and I overspent quite badly on food and myself due to buying some new boots and a hair styler, plus there was the cost of some Easter gifts.

Anyway, thankfully, this month has been much better and I managed to keep within the food budget for once. The home and household budgets didn't fare so well though, mainly due to a bulk household/beauty order and buying some garden chairs and shelves. Both of these categories were over the budget by at least 100%. Other budgets were not fully spent though and made up for half of these overspends meaning just a £50 overspend overall.

My total expenditure was around £200 less this month, which was great, but I don't actually know where this money went, as I didn't put much more into savings, just £30. Maybe more was spent on credit cards last month, that were subsequently paid off this month. I have managed 18 no spend days this month, which is the most I've managed thus far this year, so that was progress.

My net worth calculation this month benefited from some shares recovering their price a little after the Pandemic and Brexit took their toll, which made me very happy. I should also be getting some good share dividends this month, which will add a good sum to this figure next month.

This coming month there is OH's birthday, so I'll have some expenditure there. I've also had a bit of expenditure already on some knee supports after having a little accident this week. I'm also not going to be able to cycle to work for a while, so I will have to pay for bus fares for a week or so too. Hopefully, there's nothing else too onerous on the near horizon though.

I hope you've had a good month financially.

1 comment:

  1. Your accident sounds painful, hope you heal well and quickly.
