Friday, 20 December 2019

Christmas Catchup

It's been a busy week with one thing and another, as I expect it has been for most people. It seems busier this year for some reason, not sure why, probably because LB has been very busy with her school production and I've been a bit more sociable this year.

Work has been okay, but we haven't had our interns for the last week as they left the week before, so volunteer numbers were down and I've had to really dig in and try to get most of the clothing we needed in the shop myself. We have had some corporate volunteers for a couple of days this week which was a major help, so we were very fortunate there. Really, I'm just hanging on at this point, waiting for the Christmas holidays.  I've still  got a day and a half to work, namely Saturday morning and Sunday and then I'm finished for Christmas.

OH and I did our yearly last minute shopping trip on Monday night to the local mall. LB couldn't join us this year, as she was busy at rehearsals for Chicago. We set off at around 6ish and spent a couple of hours getting the last few bits we needed to get.  It wasn't too busy. I also bought LB a new coat as she didn't really have one for the cold weather and she's been very grateful for it this week, when she's been travelling to and from rehearsals and performances.

I managed to catch a last minute meal with a couple of friends at our favourite restaurant on Wednesday night, which was good. We always take our own wine and pay corkage, which helps with the cost. It's always nice to catch up before we all go our different ways at Christmas and more so this year as one of my friends is having a knee replacement operation in January and I won't see her again before that, so I was glad that I was able to leave work a couple of hours early and join them.

Yesterday, we had tickets to watch LB and her college friends perform their production of Chicago.  She's done 5 performances this week, so we've hardly seen her. We had tickets for the final performance last night and it was really good.  We set off early and had a meal in a pub before heading over to the college, which was nice too. Afterwards, the cast all headed to someone's house for a wrap party, so LB was home very late and will probably be in bed most of today.  It hasn't helped that she's had a cold all week and is pretty hoarse, but she soldiered on and did really well. She's working in the pub all weekend, so today I guess she'll need some serious downtime.

I have lots of last minute things I need to do today.  Number one on the agenda is to finish wrapping all of the presents.  I want them all wrapped and ready to go for when we travel north on Monday and then I want to start packing everything else that we'll need as I'll be at work all weekend, save Saturday afternoon and evening.

I am waiting for one last parcel to arrive and we have a new mattress for LB being delivered this morning, so one of us needs to stay close to home to accept delivery. I also need to do some ironing today, before clothes packing and I still haven't started sewing the dog's quilt, which I might try to find time for today.  The weather is awful and so wet, so I'm happy not to go anywhere.  I don't know if I'll even get the dog out in it today, as she hates rain.

The Christmas exodus from London seems to have started in earnest.  I saw quite a few people packed up and on the move yesterday, whilst on the dog walk, but I think it's expected to be very busy with people leaving today.  I'm happy not to be leaving London until Monday, as hopefully we'll miss most of the traffic.

This will probably be my last post before Christmas, so I'll take the opportunity to wish everyone a Wonderful Festive Season. I hope you enjoy time with your families, and I look forward to reading your posts in the coming year.



  1. Merry Christmas, hope yours is full of family fun xxxx

  2. May you have a lovely Christmas, full of the joy and peace of the season.

    Chicago is Harvey's favourite musical (probably told you that before).

    God bless.

  3. Wishing you a safe journey and a very Happy Christmas and New Year. xx
