Sunday 25 August 2024

This Week - W/E 24th August 2024

On Sunday, I was due at work again from 1pm to 6pm, so I had a leisurely morning getting ready for work. My manager contacted me to confirm a couple of extra shifts this week which I agreed to. It did mean that I wouldn't be able to go to my usual class, but I decided to forgo that as I've never worked a morning shift before and I was curious as to what it is like to work in the morning.

My shift at work on Sunday was pretty varied again, as I was assigned to both a new section and a familiar one, in addition to helping in a third area. These sections weren't too big, so the workload was manageable and I quite enjoyed the shift. I made a couple of purchases at work today, one was some quite expensive shampoo that LB uses, which was on clearance and a good price. It should keep her going for at least 6 months, as it was a large bottle. I also started my Xmas shopping and bought a small gift for OH. I finally received my staff discount card today, which means I can get a discount in any store, rather than just being able to get it in the store where I work, which might be useful. I need to try to get the conditioner to go with LB's shampoo and they didn't have it in our store. 

When I got home, B, the dog we're looking after for the next 10 days was there. He's very sweet, energetic and playful. It will probably take him a little while to settle, but he seemed okay for his first night here.

On Monday, I didn't need to go to work, which was great, so LB and I planned to go out of town shopping. as it was the last Monday that we would have the chance, before she goes back to Uni. On this occasion, we could stay out as long as we needed to. We eventually headed off late morning and our first stop was another branch of the company I work for. I found the conditioner LB needed, which was very serendipitous. It was on offer too. It's hard for her to afford it now she's a student, so I'm trying to financially help her to get everything she needs. (In case anyone is wondering why LB uses an expensive shampoo whilst a student, the reason is that she colours her hair and it helps to keep it in decent condition.)

Next stop, was our favourite charity shop. I'd not been in for a few weeks and both LB and I love having a good thrifting session together. I ended up buying a new to me cosy gilet for the autumn, a dress that I'm going to cut down to a top for work (it cost £1), a pair of gym leggings, flip flops and a scarf. LB found a top and I bought her a dining room table for her new flat, as the landlord isn't providing one. We decided just to get it when we saw it, as it will save a lot of looking around and I don't think we'll get one cheaper. It only cost £25.  It was probably the coolest day weatherwise that we'd had for a while, which felt refreshing. We had a lovely day out, but were both glad to get home and just chill.

On Tuesday, I was due at work for 9am, which is the earliest I've ever had to get there for. It was a bit of a struggle for me to get ready and get out, I'm just not used to it, but I did get there on time. I was back at my usual role, which was okay. It wasn't super busy and I got to do a few other things at the same time. I was glad to leave by the end of the shift though. 

I spent the afternoon hanging out some washing, doing some other small jobs and then making supper. Later, I also got out my hexi quilt, which I haven't picked up in months and laid it out on the bed, so that I could see my way forward with it. I didn't actually do any sewing though, as OH and I watched a movie instead. 

Life feels a bit out of balance lately. The dental treatment and working so many hours in the last few weeks, has meant that I haven't been doing much exercise or even eating my normal diet. I haven't had a salad in days and I do miss eating them every day, but it's not the easiest food to eat with a hole in my mouth, so I've tended to stick to soups and other foods. My gum does seem to be healing okay, but it's taking a while to fully heal. I will really enjoy getting back to my normal activities and eating habits once it does.

In addition, progress with the garden renovation seems to have ground to a halt and I think I'm also conscious that LB will be moving into her new flat soon and I'll miss her when she's no longer at home. I'm excited for her to have an independent place of her own to live, as opposed to being in halls, but also a little sad. 

I think I possibly need a break, as work and life in general have been a bit relentless lately. OH and I are hopefully going to finally use a ferry crossing we booked two years ago some time in September, for a trip to France and a much needed short holiday. I can't wait.

On Wednesday morning, I got up and headed out to the gym quite early. After missing my usual class the day before due to working, I was keen to get a workout in as soon as possible. I got a message from LB whilst there to say that Student Finance didn't have my supporting documents for LB's loan application. This really upset me as it had been an annoying process to complete them and send them off involving phone calls, downloading forms and submitting them. It put me off my workout, so I didn't stay long in the gym.

When I got home, LB called Student Finance and after talking to the gentleman he found my submissions. Apparently, our accounts weren't linked. It's still going to take 2 weeks before she'll hear anything, which is cutting it fine now, but at least I didn't have to re-submit. I'm glad it's her final year this year and I won't have to do this again.

I ended up going to bed for a nap today. I think the extra working is taking it's toll. I then had to get up and go to work. Work was actually okay tonight. I enjoyed the jobs I was given and we got to leave a bit earlier too, so all good. I'm enjoying it a lot more now that it is getting more varied. I hope it continues like this.

On Thursday, I had my first day off in a while, where I didn't need to go anywhere or do anything. It was bliss.  I had a long and leisurely lie in, which I enjoyed. I needed to take some body measurements and photos of myself to record my weight loss journey. There wasn't much change and hasn't been for a few months, but I'd say that is a good thing, as I seem to be maintaining without calorie counting or doing much exercise.

I'm hoping to get a bit more active from September when the weather cools a little and after LB goes back to Uni. It's been nice having a kind of lazy summer, but I do feel better and have more energy when I'm more active. Besides, before long it will be the run into Xmas and I'll probably be working more, so I need to get the exercise in whilst I can.

In the afternoon, as the weather was cooler, I finally tackled the ironing basket of doom that's been haunting me for weeks. This meant that I could finally put everything I wear regularly away in the wardrobe. I then picked up my hexi quilt and did a bit of sewing for the first time in weeks. Both of the above, I did whilst watching movies on Netflix. My favourite kind of afternoon that felt very rejuvenating. Being able to do what I felt like doing, instead of what I was required or felt compelled to do was liberating.

On Friday morning, I booked into the gym and took myself off for a workout session, which went okay. I dropped into a local charity shop on the way home, but didn't find a thing I wanted to buy, which was a win.

I was working in the evening and looking forward to the two days off I had planned afterwards.  The shift was not a good one for several reasons and then I got a message from the store manager asking me to work on one of my coming days off. On this occasion I declined, as I'm feeling very tired lately. Sometimes you just need a break of more than one day off at a time. It's been a busy time at work over the last few weeks and I just needed to recuperate a little.

I had a very long lie in for me on Saturday morning. It was raining here, so I didn't feel like going out anywhere. I spent a very quiet and leisurely day at home resting and spending time with OH and LB. I really needed it.

I hope that you have had a good week and have taken time out to rest and relax.


  1. Glad to hear you kept your two days off, sometimes we just need the rest days.

  2. I'm back! Hubby dropped me off in Northallerton last Friday and I made a beeline for the charity shops but once inside realised that we are suppose to be decluttering so I spent a couple of hours just browsing the main shops, ending up in M&S where I bought something for the weekend!

  3. The months seem to be passing so quickly lately. Oh who am I kidding this has been happening for years now. I need to be like you and get some Christmas shopping done. I am also hosting the family Christmas this year and need to decide a few things about that. I am just not ready at all.

    I don't know how you do everything considering how many days you are working.

    God bless.
