Sunday 1 September 2024

A Very Mixed Week W/E 31st August 2024

This week began with a lovely dog walk on Sunday morning with B, our little visitor. He's such a sweet dog. Very easy to walk and have around. I forgot what it was like to go for a dog walk and how relaxing and recuperative it is. We had a long walk, but I forgot to switch my phone on, so I didn't record my steps which was annoying, but never mind.

In the afternoon, I needed to do a food shop, as we had virtually nothing in the fridge to eat. I stayed local to do this. I've been buying extra food items for the past few weeks, to put aside for LB to take to Uni next week. It all helps take the strain out of her student budget and I don't feel it too badly when I spread it over a few weeks. It should help keep her in some things for a while. 

I ended up going to bed for another nap later after lunch, as I was still feeling tired. I really needed these two days off to just restore my equilibrium. Stress just builds up without my realising it and I need time to unwind from it.  When I woke up, I made a chicken casserole for OH and I for supper, with some chicken thighs I'd taken out of the freezer. It made a lovely change.

As a consequence of napping in the afternoon, I wasn't feeling too tired at bedtime, so I had a shower instead. LB was heading out late to a nightclub with her friend, and hadn't even left yet.  OH and I were planning on getting up early on Bank Holiday Monday to go to a car boot sale and then I was due at work for 1pm when we got back, so I needed to make sure that I would be work ready, as I knew it would be a tight turnaround.

On Bank Holiday Monday morning, we went to the car boot sale as planned, taking our visiting canine with us. OH wasn't feeling too well, but managed to go with me, he walked the dog whilst I wandered around the car boot. I didn't take a lot of money with me, just £25, as I didn't want to bring back lots of unnecessary stuff. I only had a couple of hours to look around, and I was uber conscious of needing to get back for work. To aide me, I set a timer on my phone, so I wouldn't go over time and end up being late. The car boot was a 30-40 minute drive outside of London, so we had to allow enough time to get home too.

I spent about £11 and bought a couple of dresses, a couple of pairs of pants, a scarf, some underbed storage, some wrapping paper and a t-shirt. I did okay. Not everything I bought fitted that well, but I guess that's how it goes when you don't try things on. I didn't pay more than a pound for any item of clothing, so it wasn't a big deal. In terms of the clothing, I did like one pair of pants and one of the dresses though, so that was a win.

Work on Bank Holiday Monday afternoon was steady. It started off very busy, as there was quite a bit of stuff to do when I took over my usual role. I was asked to work later until closing, which I agreed to do. It did make it a long shift, but I got an hours break, which broke it up.

On Tuesday morning, I was booked into my usual class at the gym. I'd not been for a couple of weeks, so it was nice to go back. 

In the afternoon, I was due to go to an enrollment day at a college out of town, but it turned out to be a bit of waste of time, as the course I wanted to do wasn't even running this September. I enrolled for next April, but I doubt it will go ahead then unless they get a sudden influx of interested students. I was a bit disappointed, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. Luckily, I decided to drive there at the last minute, instead of going by public transport and I'm glad I did, as I'd have been very annoyed to go all that way on public transport for essentially nothing.

When I got home, I chilled in the shed with LB, who was sorting through her stuff to take back to Uni and re-packing. I'm going to miss her when she goes back. I've so enjoyed having her home this summer, despite the fact that it has passed so quickly. She's always good company.

On Wednesday, LB and I headed out of town for a trip to IKEA, to get a few last minute bits she needed for her new flat. It was the last day we had the chance to do this, as OH was heading to the Scottish Borders at the weekend and taking the car, so we had to do it before he went.

It was a long day shopping, most of which was spent in IKEA. The queues for the restaurant where we had lunch, and the tills were long. LB got everything she needed and was very happy. I spent way more than I intended when I came upon the plant section and bought two new house plants and some pots too, as I'm always needing to pot things on and needing bigger pots. Here's a picture of the very reasonably priced house plants I bought:

This one which is quite large, cost £9 and the one below, which is larger still £12.

Unfortunately, later in the evening I started to feel unwell. I think I must have caught what OH had at the weekend, which I think might be norovirus, as I felt very nauseous and was a little sick. I was due at work the next evening, but called in and said I wouldn't be coming in. I then spent 36 hours in bed sleeping mostly. I could barely get up without feeling dreadful. LB also came down with the same virus and also spent Thursday in bed.

On Friday morning, I woke feeling OK, which was a relief. My manager had wanted to give me a shift at work that day, but I felt that as this virus is very contagious and I didn't want to pass it on to anyone else, this wasn't a good idea. It's ripped through our household in a matter of days, so it could possibly affect numerous people in the workplace and it hasn't been pleasant really. It's wiped us all out.

OH was supposed to head off to Scotland on Friday morning, but he was still not feeling too good, so went back to bed. He was very disappointed, as he'd trained hard for the cycle race he was supposed to be competing in and this virus had come at the worst time for him.

B's owners came back from their holiday on Friday morning and took him home. It was lovely to see how happy he was to see them again. We'll miss him. He's been a little sweetheart.

I spent Friday pottering at home. I potted on some house plants, did some bits of pruning in the garden, sorted through some donations for the Charity shop and the next Zero Waste event, packed up the food items I'd bought for LB to take to Uni and did my month end financial reconciliation (it's been a very spendy month). LB, meanwhile, spent the day packing up a lot of her stuff, as she's working the two days before the move and won't have time on those days. OH has hired a van for us to take her stuff this time, as her flatmate is coming over with their stuff too and it won't all fit in our car.

On Saturday, I was feeling OK again. I had to go out and pick up an item I'd ordered from Argos for LB from our local mall, as it was the last day they were holding it for me, so I ventured out to do this. I decided to cycle there, as I didn't want to get on public transport in case I was still infectious. I made sure to keep my distance in the store and avoided close contact with anyone or unnecessarily touching any surfaces. I picked up the item and came straight home. OH came with me and we cycled to a few different places on the Olympic Park that he was interested in, before heading home via the allotment to harvest some more crops.

It got us out in the fresh air and gave us a bit of exercise. I'd missed a gym session this week because of the virus, so any exercise was better than nothing.

I didn't have anything else planned for the day. I just chilled in the afternoon and then went to bed early.

It's been another busy week with lots going on, not all of it good. I'm hoping that once LB gets moved into her flat, that things will calm down a little, life will be a little less expensive, I can get on top of the house, get back to doing some patchwork and we can get back to working on the garden renovation.  Summer has been a nice distraction, but we need to push on with it while we still have good weather. Even if we only get the decking finished, it will make a big difference and make the garden look so much better.

How's your week been?

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, I do hope you feel up to par for the upcoming week. It is not fun in the least to be feeling so under the weather.

    God bless.
