This week got off to a good start. I had a nice morning on Sunday. pottering and getting ready for work at 12 noon. I had time to do some journalling, which I now only do when the urge takes me. When I tried to do it daily, I would get days behind with it and then find it a chore to catch up, so I think this works better for me.
Work was quite varied, as I got to work in a couple of different places in the store. I found out that one of my colleagues is leaving this week, after 10 years with the company. I'll be sad to see him go, but at the same time I'm very happy for him. It must be exciting, if a little daunting, to move to pastures new after 10 years in the same job. Good for him. At the moment, I feel quite grateful to have my job, as I keep reading about stores of big chains closing. Nothing is guaranteed in retail these days.
On Monday, I got up early and headed out of town to do the weekly shop. I needed to get back early, as OH had booked us Monday Matinee tickets to see the new Bob Dylan biopic, A Complete Unknown at our local independent cinema. I was looking forward to it and the tickets cost just £7 each on Mondays, as opposed to more than twice that on other days. We couldn't get into the evening showing, as it was completely sold out. Our local cinema is great and has a lovely bar and very comfy seats. It's quite boujie. We need to make a habit of going more often.
The shopping went okay. I found a few very inexpensive items in my favourite charity shop. I spent just £10 and got 6 items, three of which cost £1 from the sale rail. I was very happy with them. I'm still well within my £25 thrifting budget for the month. I also bought a few final clearance items in TKMaxx, mostly Xmas items for use next year. I made sure to get them before we put the Xmas boxes back in the loft.
The Bob Dylan film was great. I'd definitely recommend going to see it. It made a nice change to go to the cinema in the afternoon. My ASOS order also arrived on Monday afternoon. When I tried everything on, it all fitted okay, so I was happy.
On Tuesday, I got up and ready for the gym, as I'd booked my usual class. I did a bit of tidying around upstairs before heading off and put some more washing on. I'm almost caught up on laundry now, from Xmas and the holiday, just one more load to wash, when I've got room to dry it inside.
After lunch, OH and I ventured to the allotment and did some weeding and digging over before spreading some manure and compost on the plot. The only thing left to do now is to prune the fruit bushes. It felt good to finally put it to bed for the winter and forget about it for a couple of months. I also planted some tulip bulbs at the plot whilst there, as I hadn't got around to planting them in the garden. I'm hoping they'll grow okay, but I'm very late getting them in.
On Wednesday, I headed out for a run in the morning. It was nice to get out and get some fresh air to be honest. It's one of the things I miss about no longer having a dog to walk. I miss getting out in nature and seeing the wildlife whilst out and about.
When I got in, I decided to tackle the ironing basket, as it was full of things that I need to put away with the Xmas decs and I wanted to gather it all together and get it back in the loft as soon as possible. I watched some Netflix as I did it, finishing a 4 part series called The Inheritance that I'd begun previously and then starting to watch a new Harlan Coben series called Missing You.
Later, I made us a spicy Chicken Casserole, which made a nice change, before getting ready for work. Work was a little different tonight, as I didn't start until 9pm. I was working on the yearly stock take and due to finish at 2am. I was a little apprehensive, but the night went okay. I did feel very slow compared to some of the younger people I work with. They are so quick and nimble in everything they do. I feel old and clumsy in comparison. Anyway, I left at 2am and after having some crumpets as a snack when I got in, I headed straight to bed.
As a consequence of working late on Wednesday, I had a very long lie in on Thursday morning, which took care of most of the morning. I then got ready and decided to do a bit of hand sewing in front of the TV. I had a few bits that needed repairing, so I sat and did that and finished the series I'd started the day before.
I then watched a film on Netflix, called The Secret Scripture starring Vanessa Redgrave, which was really good and worked a little on my Hexi Star quilt before supper. Later, OH and I watched this week's first episode of the Traitors which is always entertaining. It was a bit of a lazy day, but I needed it and don't indulge myself in watching TV during the day that often. Sometimes, it just hits the spot.
On Friday morning, I was up late again. I'd not slept well in the early part of the week and I think I needed to catch up on sleep. Once up, I had breakfast and then headed out for a run. I'm gradually increasing the distance as the weeks go by, but the speed isn't increasing at all. I pride myself on being the slowest runner in town.
By the time I got home it was lunchtime, after which I did a few bits and pieces in the sewing room. I'm altering a few bits of clothing that I won't wear as they are, to make them more wearable.
In the evening, OH had booked tickets to go to see some classical music at the Barbican in town. I wasn't very keen to go if I'm honest, as I wasn't that familiar with some of the music, but I decided to go anyway and I was glad I did. We had a nice evening out. We don't go into town that often, and it made a change.
On Saturday, I was up early, despite not sleeping well, to go to the over 50's free session at the gym, which had restarted for the Spring term. I enjoyed the workout, but didn't work too hard. On the way back, I picked up some groceries and then bumped into the mum of one of LB's old primary school friends. I'd not seen her for years and thought she'd moved out of the area, but she hadn't. It was nice to see her and have a chat about what has happened in the intervening years. I've always found her to be a very sweet person.
Anyway, when I got home, I headed out to a college Open Day, to see about the course I was interested in. Once again, I think it was more or less a waste of time. I don't think the course will be running, as there still didn't seem much interest. I might have to start thinking about studying elsewhere if I really want to do it.
I spent the afternoon pottering at home, doing a bit of cleaning and pickling the remainder of the beetroot that we harvested from the allotment earlier in the week. OH made us a curry for supper. LB messaged to say she had some free time next week, so I think we're going to meet up with her for a belated celebration for her birthday. It will be lovely to see her.
We ended the week watching the finale of The Traitors, although I already knew who was going to win, as someone on the radio announced it earlier in the day, which was very annoying. OH didn't hear it though, so it was still a bit of a surprise for him.
It's hard to believe that we're almost at the end of January. By the time I post next week, we will be in February already. How time flies.
Our local centre has shut, so no local courses, it's a shame as its a beautiful old building. We hope to see Bob Dylan film soon.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it just amazing how quickly this month has passed by? You had a lovely week and managed to get lots done. Hopefully the tulips grow at the allotment.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your visit with LB.
God bless.
This sounded aa good week. Do we get to see what you bought in the charity shop and ASOS? Nice that you will get to see LB and well done for sorting out the allotment- I bet that felt good! I'm slightly unsure ofwhat to do with my loganberry shrub as it has extended itself all along the fence but my raspberries you have to cut them back but I'm not sure about a loganberry!
ReplyDeleteThe 2am end ofshift sounded hard going!
What pieces did you hear at the Barbican?
There were two pieces by Ralph Vaughn Williams, one being Lark Ascending, which was familiar to me, the other a choral piece, Mahler's 10th Symphony (OH's favourite composer) and the premiere of a piece by a Finnish composer.