Sunday, 22 December 2024

Last Minute Bits and Pieces Before Xmas - W/E 21st December 2024

This week, as with most weeks lately, started with a shift at work on Sunday. I was due in from 12 noon until 6pm, so I had a little time to change the bedding in LB's room ready for her coming home later in the day. It was a very busy shift at work, as you might expect this close to Xmas, which was good, as it passed pretty quickly and I was soon on my way home again.

LB arrived home just as I got back from work. It was lovely to see her and catch up on her news over supper. She was full of cold after a busy term at Uni and burning the candle at both ends, so it was good that she'd come home and would get looked after. She was due to start work the following day at the local pet shop, so she retired early to have a shower and an early night.

On Monday, I was up and out to do the weekly shop out of town again this week. I dropped LB off at work on the way as she was running late. I got all of my shopping done and picked up a few extra things for LB while she's home. It was pretty busy out and about, with queues in many shops. I remembered to buy two weeks worth of daily items for the Foodbank, to make up for forgetting the previous week.

I needed to get back a bit earlier as I'd been asked to work an extra shift in the evening, which I'd agreed to. I got back, unpacked the shopping, got ready for work then cooked and ate supper before heading in for 6pm. The traffic was horrendous on the way to work, so I was a little late again, which was annoying.

Work was okay, but I wasn't feeling my best as I had a very sore mouth, due to some ulcers and I was happy to eventually get home.

Tuesday was a bit of a lost day. I went to my usual class at the gym in the morning, which was good, but I still wasn't feeling 100% and eating was very painful, so I didn't do a whole lot for the rest of the day. I emptied the ironing basket whilst watching a couple of Xmas movies and Kirstie's Handmade Christmas on TV. Later, OH and I started watching a new series of Strike too.

On Wednesday, I was determined to do a bit more with my time. I got up, tidied around, sorted some laundry and put some more in the machine. I then walked up to the pharmacy to pick up a regular prescription, pick up a few groceries and post off some Xmas cards. I also dropped in to see LB in the pet shop on the way home and take her some medications for her cold.

When I got back, I did a bit more wrapping of some things that arrived late and did a bit of cleaning in the kitchen. I started with the oven as it was the messiest job, which wasn't too bad, but then progressed to tidy the cupboard of doom (aka the tupperware/preserving jar cupboard) which had been calling out to me for weeks. You know it's time to declutter it when everything falls out when you open the door. 

I also went on to tidy the dog cupboard where we kept our dog paraphenalia. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of much out of there. We really miss her and can't quite believe she's not here with us this Xmas. It made me feel very sad to do this job. Here's my favourite photo of her, that OH printed off for me to put in the tiny frame for my advent calendar:

To cheer myself up, I decided to make some mince pies:

Later, I did a bit of work on my hexi quilt whilst we watched more of Strike.

On Thursday, I got up and decided to have a dummy run of packing my cabin case for our holiday in January. I was interested to see what I could actually get in my small case. I was quite surprised how much I got in there but I haven't yet even looked in the summer clothing bags to see if there's anything there I want to take. I really struggle to pack light.

I then got ready and headed down to the post office to post a final couple of Xmas cards. On the way back, I dropped into the allotment to harvest most of the last of the beetroot in order to pickle it. This was an item on my to do list. I left only tiny beetroot in the ground to see if they'd grow more. If they don't I'll just pickle them whole.  When I got back, I set to pickling and made 3 and a half jars, which will keep me going for a while.

Later, I needed to get ready and go out to work for 5pm. It was a bit of a slow shift on the job I was doing and a few customers were quite rude, which was annoying, but I got through the shift eventually and headed home.

Friday, started with a work out in the gym, probably my last gym work out before Xmas. I've got one more gym class booked on Xmas Eve though, which is good.

LB had a day off on Friday and was heading out to meet some friends and OH was meeting a work colleague and heading out for something to eat, so I found myself home alone in the afternoon, which is quite rare. I lit a nice fire and sat in front of it reading A Christmas Carol from an anthology of Charles Dickens Christmas writings, which I really enjoyed.

On Saturday, I had a lazy day at home chilling. I did do a bit of sorting through all the stuff that accumulates on the kitchen table, with a view to clearing it for our Xmas day meal. This led me to do some end of year financial reckoning, which should make interesting reading once it's been completed at the end of this month.

I desperately want to overhaul my spending in the coming year. I've been way too spendthrift this year and need to cut back on buying stuff and instead concentrate on putting money aside for the future. There isn't really anything that I need or want to buy currently, so I need to focus more on saving money instead of spending it. I'm looking forward to getting back some discipline in the area of personal spending.

I hope you've had a good week and didn't get too frazzled by the rapid approach of the festivities. Thank you for reading my blog this year.

Wishing you and your families the Merriest Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas too!
    It makes me cross to hear of customers being rude to you. Poor show!
    That's v sad re the dog. I am sorry for your loss. The picture was a lovely gift.
    I agree on overhauling spending habits. Something I need to do too.
