Saturday 19 August 2023

A Busy Week and a New Job - W/E 18/8/23

This week started off very slowly. Knowing I would be starting a new temporary job this week, I took it very easy on Sunday before the madness of getting up early and getting off to work every day started.

I was out of the house at 7.30 am walking the dog on Sunday. It was lovely and quiet at that time of the morning. It's rare for me to be out so early, but the dog seemed to need to go, so I threw on some clothes and headed out. I actually quite enjoyed it. 

OH was out cycling and LB out at work by the time I got back, so I had a lovely relaxing morning, treated myself to a boiled egg and soldiers for breakfast, had a shower, did some weights and pottered about the house watering my plants.

Later, after lunch, I napped on the sofa which was nice and then made us some supper in the air fryer. I'm going to miss the air fryer when LB goes back to Uni in a months time.  We might have to buy another one for us to use. 

Monday, was weekly shop day as usual. I wanted to get in a gym session too though, so I went off shopping early and then went to the gym in the afternoon. 

Whilst out doing the weekly shop, I went into the store where I used to work up until a few months ago, as I needed some more thread for my Xmas quilt. It felt very strange going back in there as a customer. I bought a couple of other things too and spoke to a couple of people I used to work with, which was nice. I don't regret leaving though, my only regret is not earning the money anymore.

Anyway, when I got home, I headed off to the gym for a good workout session. There was the usual frustration of not getting on the leg press or any of the surrounding machines, as people sit on them waiting to get on the leg press, whilst not actually using them and not moving when they see someone who wants to use them. It drives me mad.

I had a really sleepless night the night before I started the training for my new temp job on Tuesday, which wasn't great, but I managed to get there with plenty of time to spare on my bike. It only took 30 minutes to cycle there and the journey wasn't too strenuous or dangerous, as I took back roads and went through parks.  

In spite of being tired, the first training session went well. I felt a lot more confident about being able to do the job afterwards, which is good. It's a lot different going back into office work. (I worked in different office type jobs as a teenager and in my twenties) I quite like it so far, it seems very civilised, but I may change my mind, we'll see how it goes.

OH was unwell during the early part of this week. We were not sure if he'd got the same virus that LB had last week (both have tested negative for covid), as he exhibited similar, although not as severe symptoms. 

I had another sleepless night on Tuesday night, after a picture fell off the wall above my bed at 2am and woke me up. I really struggled then, to get back to sleep, so I felt really tired when I got up.

Work training on Wednesday went okay again. I managed to get the ride down to 25 minutes each way by taking the shortest possible route that I could. What we were learning in today's session, was a little more complicated, but I got to grips with it by the end of the session. We were then asked if we minded staying on to do some envelope stuffing for a couple of hours. I was perfectly happy to stay and be paid to do such a simple task.

On Thursday, I decided to travel to work on the bus, as I had a gym session booked in the afternoon and didn't want to be too tired due to cycling, to make the most of it. Besides, getting the bus made a change, which I'm always happy for. In the end, I got a lift to work with OH, as he was heading in the same direction to take the dog for a walk in one of her favourite spots, this saved me the bus fare and the effort of going to catch the bus. 

Work training was okay today, we learnt the last bits of information we needed to know to do the job. 

I took my gym gear with me to work and a bagel for lunch, with the intention of walking to the gym, once I got off the bus on the way home. I had to be at the gym by 3pm to take advantage of the 50+ gym sessions, as they are off peak and the gym gets very busy as the afternoon wears on.

Anyway, my gym session was good. For once, it wasn't too busy and there was hardly anyone using the leg press, so I could have stayed on it all the time if I'd wanted, but I didn't.  When I got home, I could just chill for the rest of the evening and have a shower ready for work the following day.

On Friday, it was very cloudy, so I decided to go to work on the bus again. I had to set off a bit earlier to walk down to where I catch the bus. I made sure to take an umbrella, just in case. It rained very lightly just as I got off the bus, but hardly at all. The session was all abut consolidating what we'd learnt this week, ready to do the real job next week. 

I'm only actually working on Thursday and Friday next week, as that is when the work needs to be done, so it felt lovely when we left at 1pm, to know that we had 5 days before we needed to be back. I got that Friday feeling, which I haven't had in many years, as I've worked on weekends for the last 6 or 7 years. It was a nice feeling.

I was, however, quite tired when I got home, so I had a little nap, before getting up to walk the dog.

In all, it's been a good week. Work has been better than I thought it might be after the interview and I'm actually quite looking forward to doing the work we are being employed to do next week.

On the fitness journey front, my weight has been up and down like a yo yo this week. Possibly due to the new work routine, which has been a bit frustrating. I can only try to do my best and hope for a positive outcome. On the plus side, I did get two gym sessions in, which I'd hoped to do at the beginning of the week.

I hope you've had a good week.


  1. Your training seems to have gone very well.
    I just bet it was strange going into a place you worked in as a customer.
    Air fryers are lovely appliances. I don't use mine as much as I should, but I hope to change that.

    God bless.

  2. It's good to read you are looking forward to starting your new role, I always did office work, sometimes visiting customers. Hope the role is all you expect it to be.

  3. It's awful when you can't sleep when you really need to! I am always like that the end of the holidays going back to school. I lie awake stressing unless I go to bed horrendously late..then I'm knackered.
    Urgh- the people sit on the leg machines waiting to get on the leg press, whilst not actually using them and not moving when they see someone who wants to use them sounds absolutely infuriating! I would be muttering loudly!
