Friday 22 May 2015

More Kitchen Decluttering

Hot on the heels of doing some cleaning in the kitchen on Tuesday afternoon/evening, I cracked on again on Wednesday and decided to tackle the cupboards under sink. Here's a before picture for once, of both cupboards.

As you can see, I do have at least one bulk household item under here, which takes up quite a bit of room, but I'm steadily working my way through it, before I replace it with a more eco friendly alternative. I'd used up a few products in the last week cleaning other parts of the house, but there was still some duplication in here, which will get used as and when.

I took everything out and relocated the odd thing to the bathroom, so that it was out and I would remember to use it.  I thought about replacing the toilet brushes in the bathroom and downstairs toilets, but the thing is with buying very cheap plastic toilet brushes from IKEA i.e. 70p ones, is that it is far too easy to replace them and throw the old ones away, when you don't really need to.  I won't be buying any more for a good while, as I still have spares for each toilet in the cupboard, that I will use when the current ones are finally beyond redemption.

I folded all of the dish cloths I'd cut from old clothes, into a neat pile, and discovered I had a new pack of dishcloths and dusters I really don't need, so I'm donating these to the food bank.  I found a couple of things I don't want, but can't donate, so I'm going to put them outside the house for anyone to take and I also found a couple of small items to donate to the CS in here too.

I rediscovered some jasmine incense oil for using in my oil burner, so that was taken out and I am going to start using it again, as I also found a heap of tea lights that need using up.  It's quite a heady scent, so you don't need to burn it for long or it can be a bit overwhelming.  I may look out for other scents I can also use.

Most of the rest of what was in the cupboard got put back after a good clean of the shelves.  I did move a few things to the front to remind me to use them up in the next few weeks and then I moved on to the second cupboard.

This cupboard was also given a good clean out and I was going to complete the pile of shredding, which would make the cupboard look a lot more tidy, but the paper had somehow got wet, a possible leak I suspect which I got OH onto.  I relocated a couple of items to this cupboard, where I can see them and I also removed a couple of items, which I am putting outside to see if anyone will take them, as I don't need them and they were things that can't really be donated.  A bit of a move around in here and things fitted in a lot better which was good.

I followed up cleaning out these cupboards by cleaning out the wine rack which accumulates dirt very quickly, as it is open and cleaned all the cupboard and dishwasher fronts. This completed another corner of the kitchen.  Here's a picture of the results.  Not a whole lot of difference, but a whole lot cleaner and a bit more organised.

The last couple of areas I have left to clean and declutter are the remainder of the kitchen cupboards and drawers, most of which I've already been through, and just need to clean, the broom cupboard, the window sills and the top of the fridge.  I'm hoping to get most of it completed this week while Little Bird is away and then it is over and done with.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. A well organized cupboard is a dream come true. Just wish mine would stay organized.

    God bless.

  2. We are lucky we don't have to store bulk items under our sink, our attic is very easy to get to and we store stuff in there.

  3. I like your cupboard tidy mini shelf thingamys.

    1. They were originally from IKEA many years ago and served as our first spice racks in the kitchen. They were so handy I brought them with us to this house and found a use for them under the sink. They needed screwing into the units, but they do help utilise the space a little better, especially as small things tend to get lost.

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