Monday 14 August 2023

A Quiet Week and a Double Milestone W/E 12/8/23

This week has been a quiet week. Not a lot has been going on here, which for once, I'm quite thankful for. I spent most of my time completing and sending off forms for the new job, walking the dog, cooking, shopping, all the normal weekly things that I usually document on here, and nothing particularly out of the ordinary has been happening this week.

My fitness journey is continuing.  I went to my usual class at the gym and one other gym session too. I've also been doing a few hand weight routines at home.  I've been concentrating on upping my protein intake this week, which has been going well. Weight loss is still slow, but it's still happening. I now weight less than I have done at anytime in the last three years. I have finally got back to the weight I was before Lockdown, which is a major milestone for me. This same milestone coincides with me reaching a stone of weight loss in the nine weeks of my journey so far, so it is a double celebration, but there's still a long way to go.

For me, Lockdown was a disaster in terms of my health. I found it really difficult to get into a fitness routine, as I was so used to attending classes and exercising with other people. Motivating myself was really hard and I comfort ate way too much too. This combination meant that I put on a stone in four months, some of which came off when I returned to work and began cycling there, but some of it just never shifted and my weight has since gone up and down during times of working and not working. 

Recently, I came to the conclusion that whilst I'm not working, I may as well use the time to work on myself and I'm now finding ways to motivate myself to exercise regularly at the gym, which is helping me to make progress, especially now there are fewer classes to attend in the summer holidays.

I'm hoping to cycle to the new job most days, which should inject a bit of exercise into my daily routine over the next few weeks, but it will depend on the weather really. I may not be able to get to the gym or classes at all for the duration of this job, so I don't want to slip back and gain any weight if I can help it.

In other news this week, LB was unwell mid week and took a day off sick from work. The following day, was her normal day off, so she had two days to recover and could then return to work, bless her. She's been working very hard and still has 3 weeks or so to work before she finishes. Just having a two day break due to illness, has been a blessing in disguise for her at the half way point.

I've been sewing a little this week, although not quite as much as I have done in previous weeks. The quilt for the sewing room is coming along nicely though. Here's an updated picture of my progress:

I set it aside from Wednesday this week, as I was having trouble linking up my computer to OH's printer and can't print off my paper pieces, so I've now turned my attention to the Xmas wreath quilt, which is probably just as well, as it would be good to get it finished in time for Xmas. I've also had to stop work on that though as I've run out of thread and despite having reels and reels of thread, I don't have any the right colour, so I need to buy some.

On Thursday, I took myself off to the gym first thing as I prefer to go in the morning. I had a good session, but couldn't get on the leg press.  Why is there always a queue for this machine?

Friday, was super quiet. I did a bit of extra walking picking up a prescription from the chemist and then on Saturday, OH and I were invited to a 40th birthday party out in Kent. It was nice to drive out of London for the afternoon. The party was nice with great vegan food. I didn't drink much, just a couple of glasses of wine and I didn't eat too much either which was good.

A quiet week, but I'm still on track, have hit some milestones and I am enjoying the journey. That makes it a good week in my book. I hope you've had a good week too.


  1. Well done on your weight loss, that's fantastic for you, it's not an easy task. Life is very humdrum here as well, days just ticking by. Your quilt is huge, you have been very busy to make such a beautiful cover.

  2. Excellent job on the weight loss. We all need to have a nice slow week once in awhile.

    Your quilt is coming along nicely.

    God bless.

  3. WELL DONE getting back to the weight you were before Lockdown! You must feel so satisfied! I weigh more than I did before lockdown and alot of my clothes don't fit now so maybe I need to do some more organised exercise than just my cycle to the station. I enjoyed the yoga class I did on holiday (but was terrible!) but I struggle to do anything regularly with changing rehearsals and school work to do in the evening! The quilt is excellent so far!
