Sunday 30 April 2023

A Week of Trying to Get my $%&* Together

OK, so I'd had over a week to get over the mental and physical tiredness from my last job and turn myself around mentally. It always takes me a little while after a big change. This week, I was feeling a bit more positive mentally and looking forward to getting my life back on track.

On Sunday, I caught up with most of the ironing. A small job, but one that feels satisfying. I don't iron much, just towels, wardrobe items, tea towels, pillowcases. I decided to throw a few tea towels and kitchen towels out, as they were looking quite dirty and stained. I had too many anyway and they wouldn't easily fit in the drawer.

I also placed an order with Approved Foods, which I haven't done in a while. I find that there's not actually as much food on the site these days, more a proliferation of often expensive beauty products and other items, so I don't always find much that I want to put in my basket, but I was able to order enough so that I could get free delivery.

I've decided to start stocking up a little again. I've let things run right down in recent months, but I'd like to build it back up again. I haven't got much money to do so, but I want to spend at least an extra £5 each week just on pantry staples to store away. It's not much, but every bit helps and if I happen to have anything left over towards the end of the month, as I did have this month, I may do the odd extra shop either online or in person.

Monday, I was up relatively early for me and out with the dog. The main reason for this was that I had booked into the gym and wanted to get back for that. I didn't have a set time, but I was mindful that I also needed to do the weekly shop, so I wanted to go as early as possible.

I spent an hour at the gym. I didn't overdo it. I used a few machines for 15 minutes each and then used the leg press for a few reps. I felt better for it. I haven't really done any exercise for about 5 months, so it felt good to get moving again. I also cycled there, so I got my bike out for the first time in a good few months and it felt good to ride it again.

After lunch, I headed out to do the weekly shop. I was all set to go to Lidl, but on the way out of the door, some Tesco vouchers arrived and they were offering £10 off a £70 shop. I didn't actually probably need to spend £70, but decided to use it as an excuse to build up food stores again. I spent way over £70, of course, but we are now super stocked up in both cupboards and freezer, so I should only need to buy fresh food for the next few weeks or even maybe the month. It feels very satisfying.

I also dropped into Home Bargains, as I was out of some of the supplements I take regularly and was able to stock up on those for the next few months, plus a few other items. Inevitably, I ended spending around £30 here, which is the usual, despite only having a few things on my list. Just as well I don't go there every week.

By the time I got home I was shattered, but a good shattered, as I felt I'd had a very productive day.

Tuesday, I was up and out with the dog in the morning. It was another lovely sunny morning. I took some scissors with me and a carrier bag and cut some comfrey growing wild on the verges, in order to make some plant food. My first bit of foraging for the year. By the time it's been steeped in water for a few weeks, we'll be needing it to feed tomato and cucumber plants. 

OH is doing really well growing his seedlings for the allotment and our raised beds in the garden. Here's a picture:

A few have fallen victim to slugs, but otherwise they are coming on well. He's decided to buy tomato plants this year, which I think is a good decision, as you get much better plants. He picked some up from a local shop.

When I got back from the dog walk, it was time for lunch and we had some left over chilli to use up, so I made this lovely chilli nachos bowl which was delicious. I made it to Tuesday afternoon before I needed a nap. It had to be done. I don't resist it these days when the urge takes me, as I figure it's my body's way of telling me it needs to rest and recouperate.

On Wednesday, we got a message from LB asking us to bring her home, as she was unwell. Turns out she had tonsilitis, which can be nasty. I've had it lots of times and have felt really awful. We hot footed it over to South London, bundled her into the car and brought her home. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics and she was feeling a lot better within a couple of days.  I was just glad to have her back under our roof when she was unwell, although her friends were really good and bought medicine and treats for her when she wasn't well enough to get out herself. 

My Approved Food order came on Wednesday too, here are some pictures:

It was a mixture of things, some food and snacks, some treats, some items for the dog and some toiletries.

Thursday, I woke really early and headed off to my volunteering. It was quite a varied shift, as there were only a couple of volunteers on the shift. I didn't do a whole lot for the rest of the day, as I was tired after such an early start, but I did do a bit of quilting tonight, which I enjoyed. It rained so much in the late afternoon/evening that I couldn't even get out with the dog.

I have to admit that LB coming home did throw a bit of a spanner in the works with regard to attempts at getting my $%&* together this week, but it's been a good distraction. There's no hurry to do anything at the moment, I have the luxury of taking my time.  I am still a little run down, which manifested itself in my developing a cold sore, which I rarely get. Slowing down and spending time at home all together was much more important.

On Friday, I had a nice walk with the dog and then when I got back OH offered to take us all out to lunch locally. We went to a nice restaurant we've frequented on numerous occasions and had a lovely lunch together. It's a rare treat. On leaving the restaurant, I walked up to the local library, where I bought some more audio books for 50p each. I bought these six:

Although I don't drive to work anymore, these will amuse me whenever I drive anywhere on my own, be it to do the shopping or take the dog out somewhere a bit further afield.

I also took out a couple of books, that I'm looking forward to reading.

I also collected a prescription from the pharmacy on my way back and then bumped into one of our neighbours, who updated me on their house move news. I'll be sad to see her leave the street, she's been a lovely neighbour. I'll probably still see her around though, as she isn't going far.

Saturday, was LB's last day at home. She was heading off to a friends house in the afternoon to celebrate her birthday, before going back to her halls. In the morning, I spent a little while potting on and watering some houseplants. Then I'd promised LB that I'd do some reinforcing of a bag she'd created by hand from a pair of jeans, so I went up to the sewing room and did that on my sewing machine before she left. 

Whilst up there, I decided to make another table runner. I'd put some fabric aside to do this a few weeks before. It turned out okay, here's a picture:

It's double sided, which makes it a little more versatile.

LB then needed some trousers taking up, as they were about 3 inches too long. She wanted to wear them to go out in, so I proceeded to do this with one eye on the clock and then dropped her off at her friend's house, so she didn't have to get an Uber. The traffic was awful, but I eventually made it home. OH meanwhile, had been working in the garden, potting on and out some of his seedlings and doing a bit of tidying up. There's still a lot more to do, and I really need to get stuck in myself, but I'm not quite feeling it just yet.

Later, I took the dog out for a walk and we devoured some more of OH's home made soup for supper.  Chicken and chorizo this time, before relaxing in front of the TV.

It's been a pretty busy week, with quite a bit going on. I'm slowly getting my mojo back and hoping to be a bit more energetic and productive next week.


  1. Sounds like you had a busy week. It was nice LB came home for a visit. I know that when the boys come home well, things get changed around here as well.

    God bless.

  2. Sorry to hear LB was unwell but glad she was able to come home to you.Well done on the stocking up! I need to use up some old bits and pieces!
