Wednesday 20 July 2022

Frugal Things W/E 17/7/22

This week, I have participated in the following frugal activities to try to keep expenditure to a minimum:

I tried out another free exercise class in our borough, a fusion of Pilates and Yoga this time, and continued to attend some of the free and inexpensive ones I attended last week. 

I cleared a space in the cupboard in the downstairs vestibule, to create a storage pantry for any extra food I have bought in recent months. It's much nearer the kitchen and easier to access and I can properly rotate the items and see when we've run out of things. I've made a note of all expiry dates, so I don't waste anything and will be able to use up what's coming up to expiration.

It's something I've been meaning to do for a while, so I was glad to finally get around to it.  I can also now see how much room I have to store anything else I may buy over the coming weeks. I have to be careful what and how I store things in this cupboard, as we have had mice in here in the past, so anything that could easily be nibbled, has to be stored in a rigid lidded plastic box, with tins, jars and bottles only out on the shelf. 

Whilst sorting through the pantry items, I found some food items that I had put aside for LB for when she goes to University in September. There isn't too much, but it will help her with the cost of buying food for herself when she's there. I do intend to send her food parcels from time to time too. 

I preserved more free food from the allotment and from foraging this week.

I picked sweet pea flowers from the allotment to brighten up the house.

I picked up a free book from the Little Free Library on my way home from the gym.

I cut down a superking duvet cover to make a single duvet cover for LB, for when she goes to University, instead of buying her one new.  This cover was too big for all of the duvets we own, so it was languishing in the linen box unused.  At least it will get used now and the spare fabric I can always use for quilting. I still just need to sew up the cut side. It will be new to her anyway and it is in excellent condition.

I went to a local Lidl, instead of a 20 mile round trip to the one I usually go to, to save on petrol costs.  I have to admit though, that it wasn't an altogether enjoyable experience, as it was too busy and too small compared to the usual store. 

I sold two more underperforming shares to continue cutting any potential losses. There is now just one last share that I need to sell, when I have received the incoming dividend at the beginning of August.  The remainder seem to be performing well and I am happy to keep them, unless things change drastically with them in the near future. 

I did a very small top up shop that we needed at Lidl to use a £2 off voucher before it expired.

I packed up sandwiches and snacks and drinks for the journey up to Yorkshire, so I didn't need to buy anything to eat or drink en route or when there.

I visited a Car Boot Sale in Yorkshire and was very discerning, buying only a few small items at really good prices. I spent less then £10. 

I think that was everything. I hope you had a frugal week if you needed to. 












  1. Good week for you, we too are storing more food at home, we keep ours in the spare bedroom wardrobe, which is OK, until we get visitors.

  2. What a great frugal week. Storing more food here as well. Inflation just keeps rising and I really would like to be able to help out our sons as far as food is concerned.

    Love the way you cut down the duvet cover to make a smaller one. That is a great frugal save.

    God bless.

  3. You've done some useful things- I like the idea of writing the dates down!
