This week started with an early shift at work on Sunday. I was due to work from 11 til 3pm. It was a miserable drizzly grey day. I didn't really want to leave the house, but needs must. Fortunately, work was pretty busy so passed quickly enough and before I knew it I was back home again. My cold was feeling quite a lot better than the day before. I think staying in bed all day on Saturday really helped.
In the evening, we watched the new series of Unforgotten. I've always liked this series and particularly like the atmospheric soundtrack. I then watched the second episode of the new Jane Austen series, which I'm really enjoying, before heading to bed.
On Monday, I went out of town to do the shopping again. It was another grey, drizzly day. It's very depressing. I used a £3.50 voucher off a new set of bedding at Tesco this week. It ended up costing me £24.50 for 100% cotton king sized bedding. I had contemplated spending over £100 on some Dorma bedding from Dunelm in the sale, but before I made a final decision to buy it, it went out of stock. This bedding is the same colour, i.e. plain dark green. It won't be as good quality, but it looks pretty good for the price. I like to dress the bed with a plain duvet cover, so that I can put a colourful handmade quilt over the top of it.
I decided not to go into my favourite charity shop this week. I didn't need anything and I'm half way through my thrifting budget whilst only one third of the way through the month. I did go to Home Bargains though, as there were a few things I needed. Having had a cold last week, we were almost out of paracetamol, and we all prefer the capsule version that I buy from here. I bought a few gifts for OH for Valentine's Day too. I'm making up a small hamper of edible treats for him. Hopefully, he'll like it.
On Tuesday, I was booked into my usual class at the gym as always, and feeling like I'd almost recovered from my cold, but after having porridge for breakfast I felt quite unwell with stomach ache and nausea. I walked to the gym, hoping I'd feel better by the time I got there, but I didn't, so I didn't stay and do the class. I just came home and went back to bed. After a couple of hours in bed, I did feel a lot better, which is just as well as I was due at work later.
OH meanwhile, fitted a new shower. We've been having trouble with our plumbing lately. It's been very noisy, sometimes in the middle of the night, so he's been turning the water off every night to prevent it disturbing the neighbours. Anyway, he got the new one working in time for me to have a shower and get ready for work, which was good.
I had just the evening's shift left to work this week, before taking a week's annual leave. I was required to take next week off, as I was unable to carry over my remaining leave into the next leave year. I'm not complaining, as I'm happy to have a bit of a break and the way my shifts have fallen, if I don't get asked to work any extra hours, I should get two whole weeks off before I need to go back, which will be lovely. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the time, but I'll think of something. I may do some spring cleaning, as the house could really do with it, and I hope to get a bit of time for some sewing.
Anyway, my last shift was good. I ended up working in 3 or 4 areas of the store, which made the work very varied and the night passed super quickly.
On Wednesday, I had a lie in, as it was the first day of my two weeks off work. I thought about going running, but didn't. Instead, I decided to start a Project Pan challenge, so I collected together all my beauty products, laid them out, took photos and wrote a blog post. This was quite a big job, as you'll see if you read the post. I then pottered around at home for the rest of the day, tidying a shelf in the pantry cupboard and doing odd jobs about the house. It was a nice leisurely day to start off my leave and the best thing was I didn't spend a penny.
Thursday was another day spent at home. OH is currently renovating our bathroom and a new bath arrived today, which he will install in the next few days. I spent the morning paying some attention to our joint finances and finally taking an interest in how much our household expenses actually are. It's not something that I've paid much attention to in the past, as OH has mostly taken care of it, but it's time for me to take a more grown up approach to the household finances. I've created a separate post about this. Later, I did some laundry, put some laundry away, then did a bit of ironing and stitching on my hexi star quilt whilst binge watching Celebrity Bear Hunt on Netflix, which was mildly entertaining.
On Friday, I finally went out for a run and got some exercise after over a week of not doing any due to having a cold. It coincided with a sunny morning at last, so it felt great to get out and get some fresh air. Later, OH and I went out for lunch locally to celebrate Valentines Day, which was a nice treat. I would have loved to go see the new Bridget Jones film at our local cinema, but I couldn't convince OH to join me, which didn't surprise me.
On the way back from lunch, I dropped into our local charity shop. I'd not been in for a couple of months. I found one item to buy, which was long black sweater vest for £7. It needed a bit of a debobble when I got it home, but I liked it because it's so versatile. I can see me getting a lot of wear from it as we move into spring.
By the time I got home, I wasn't feeling well and once again had stomach ache and nausea. I had to return to bed until I felt better later in the evening, so it was a bit of a lost afternoon. I'm not sure what caused it or if I have some kind of gastritis or something.
On Saturday morning, I was still feeling a bit unwell, but managed to take myself off to the gym for the free 50+ gym session which I enjoyed, as I'd not been to the gym for a couple of weeks. Whilst there, I got a message from work asking me if I could work in the evening. I agreed to go in, as any extra money I can earn when only getting basic contracted hours is worth taking.
To make the most of the rest of the day before going to work, I retired to the sewing room and did a few alterations to a couple of items of clothing I'd bought previously from the charity shop. One item was a maxi dress that I shortened to midi, as at 5' 3" tall, maxi dresses look a bit ridiculous on me. I also cut a dress down to make a top and it worked out okay and it is now something that I can wear for work. In fact, I did wear it for work in the evening and it worked well for the purpose.
Work was okay tonight. We got to finish a bit early which I was perfectly happy about. Hopefully, I won't be contacted now, for at least a week whilst I'm on annual leave.